Migori town to get first tarmac road in Sh180m project

Migori Governor Okoth Obado digs during the launch of a past project. His  government has set aside Sh250 million to upgrade and construct new roads.  [PHOTO: FILE/STANDARD]

MIGORI COUNTY: Migori town is set to have its first tarmacked road after Governor Okoth Obado launched the construction of Sh180 million four-kilometer road.

The road, which will run from the Migori Post Office junction through the county and national government headquarters, is expected to be complete in eight weeks.

This will be the first tarmacked road outside the main Kisii-Isebania Highway, which cuts across the town, and is expected to spur development in the town.

Speaking during the launch of the project, Obado said it is part of a multi-million infrastructure improvement programme the county government has lined up for implementation.

“We are keen to upgrade the road network especially within the town. This is expected to not only increase access of different parts of the town, but also attract investors,” he said.

Obado also announced that his government has allocated Sh250 million for the construction of new roads and improvement of existing ones across the county in the next financial year.


The project, which he said will cover several rural roads across all 40 wards in the county, will ease transportation of farm produce to the market.

He said farmers incur huge losses due to a poor road network, adding that his government will ensure all roads were in good condition.

He, however, warned contractors against carrying out shoddy jobs, saying anybody found to have done sub-standard works will be permanently blacklisted from taking any project in the county.

He urged the public to monitor the projects in their areas and inform the county government whenever they identified a poorly done road or building to ensure they get value for money.

“You are the people on the ground, who see how these roads are done. Let us know whenever there is any work which you believe is not up to the required standard,” he said.

He further urged contractors to make use of local labour to allow the project’s cash to circulate in the area for the benefit of residents.

Meanwhile, Obado has said he will offer CORD leader Raila Odinga a red carpet reception when he tours the county today.

The governor said he will reconcile with Raila and announced he is ready to receive him when he makes his first of the series of countrywide political rallies since he returned from the US.

“We all know that Baba (in reference to Raila) will be coming here on Friday (today) and I am set to receive him in our county and that is why I urge you to come in large numbers and welcome Baba,” he said.

When Odinga first visited Migori Town late last year, Obado and his deputy Mahanga Mwita snubbed his rally, which was highly polarised by ODM supporters.

He said President Uhuru Kenyatta will also visit the area very soon and urged the residents to accord him a warm reception.

He said people should stop the habit of booing speakers and instead keep calm when all leaders talk.

The Friday rally will be the first ever public meeting which the Governor will sit with Raila since he was elected. Raila had queried why the governor or his deputy could not attend his function, despite the fact that it was a high profile meeting.

Whenever there was a public meeting in the region, there has always been battlefront between Obado, who has been branded a traitor by some ODM politicians.