MCA arrested for defiling Class Six girl in lodging


Police in Migori town have arrested a Member of County Assembly for allegedly defiling a minor.

The MCA was arrested by police officers at Ntimaru as he attempted to escape from the officers who had been trailing him for over a week.

Migori County Police Commander, Clement Gatogo said the man was arrested after the incidence was reported by the minor’s mother on May 1 that he was in a guesthouse with the daughter who is a Class Six pupil at a local primary school,” he said.

Police officers went to the building and found the suspect together with the minor.

However, as they were leaving with the suspect, a group of local residents stoned the officers in an attempt to stop them from leaving and in the ensuing melee, the suspect escaped.

In Homa Bay County, a Standard Four pupil is admitted at the area district hospital after she was allegedly defiled by her uncle.

Witnesses said the 22-year-old man defiled the 10-year-old pupil in their residential house leaving her bleeding profusely.

Homa Bay OCPD Francis Kumut said the suspect fled their home after committing the offence.