Government not committed to Nyumba Kumi, leaders claim

Joseph Kaguthi, Nyumba Kumi initiative Chairman at a past press briefing. Some stakeholders have claimed that the government is not committed to the programme. [PHOTO: STANDARD]


UASIN GISHU: Nyumba Kumi stakeholders in Soy Constituency in Uasin Gishu County have raised concern over government’s lack of commitment to the programme.

The various agents of the programme who spoke to the Standard said that the government had not factored in logistics that go hand in hand with related operations in the initiative.

Jamin Masinde, locational peace and security committee secretary at Vumilia Farm said though aware of essence of the programme, government has ignored several crucial matters.

Masinde said that ten youths that has been recruited to act as agents in the initiative had come complaining over lack of facilitation.

“Small matters like sharing of intelligence like making phone calls come with some logistical challenges that have been totally ignored,” he explained.

Bernard Wanjala Wanyonyi, an agent at Kapkawa Farm in Vumilia C village said the government ought to have laid strategies before rolling out the system.

“It is like they do not recognize our work probably in terms of issuing out allowances and setting aside outstanding emergency cash for such purposes,” he said.

Shadrack Keter, also in the system said it did not make sense that the proponents of the system enjoy very huge perks and allowances whereas they had been neglected.

“We engage in a tricky and risky business of spying whereas we are not paid even a single cent and yet you expect effectiveness and excellence,” Keter this will create loopholes for compromise

When reached for comment, Uasin Gishu Deputy Governor Daniel Kiprotich said the system was exclusively being handled by the provincial administration.

“The system is good for strengthening our security but there is need for inclusion of all stakeholders so that everyone owns it,” he advised.

Eldoret West Sub-County Commissioner Christopher Wanjau said they had begun manual registration of all residents through the various Nyumba Kumi Committees.

Wanjau added that they had incorporated villager elders in the process and thus asked for cooperation.

“I understand there are residents resisting the process by refusing to open their gates. I must caution them that they will be our first target when we launch the swoop on illegal immigrants,” he promised.

He also asked resident to register their children early to avoid giving lee way for the registration of foreigners since there many cases of late registration being reported.