Sang gives proof of peace bid during poll chaos


Radio journalist Joshua arap Sang Tuesday produced evidence at the International Criminal Court (ICC) to prove he used his media forum to campaign for peace at the height of the 2007/08 post-election violence.

Sang, who is charged alongside Deputy President William Ruto, produced numerous audio clips from Kass FM radio station in which he had been recorded calling for peace and calm among his Kalenjin listeners.

Through lawyer Katwa Kigen, Sang also used reports on the activities of Kass FM, published by the BBC. The journalist was out to counter claims by prosecution witness 442, that he used Kass FM to incite his listeners.

More than a dozen clips were played in court when lawyer Kigen cross-examined the witness. They were all from a morning show hosted by Sang.

Election winner

In all of them, Sang was heard urging members of the Kalenjin community in the North Rift region not to engage in violence before and after the announcement of Mwai Kibaki as winner of the 2007 elections.

He is heard urging listeners to remain calm as tallying continued. He told them to allow their leaders to keep watch, assuring that everything would end well.

And as chaos escalated, Sang dedicated one morning programme to national prayers, leading the audience in reading Bible verses and prayers and also inviting listeners to call in and read the Bible.

In another clip recorded on January 30, 2008, he called for help to the victims of the violence and gave details of centres where well-wishers could donate food, clothes and other items.

Another clip was a studio interview with the then US ambassador Michael Ranneberger aired on January 24, 2008, where the two were discussing the results and the chaos.

The witness says Sang used his native Kalenjin language to mobilise youth to attack Kikuyus.

She told the court that as the presidential votes were being tallied, Sang – an ODM supporter – questioned the source of some of President Kibaki’s votes, saying the election had been rigged.

She said though she listened to Kass FM throughout that period she could not recall any time when Sang called for peace or appealed to listeners not to attend meetings called by ODM.