Rape suspect escapes from police cell

By Lawrence Aluru

SIAYA, KENYA: A-30-year old man arrested for allegedly raping a granny has escaped from a police cell in Siaya County.

The suspect who is only known as Rasta was arrested by the assistant chief of Nyadorera ‘B’’ Mr Felix Odongo at Benga market in the neighbouring Nyadorera ‘A’ sub-location for raping the 70 year-old woman.

Administration Police Commandant Mr John Murage, said it is not known how the suspect managed to escape from the Rwambwa police patrol base cells.

The AP boss said the suspect went into hiding early this month when he was caught raping the woman at Usuo village Nyadorera ‘B’ Sub-location.  

Murage said the police had launched a search for the suspect and at the same time appealed to the locals with information to avail it to the police.

“We wish to appeal to the public with information that may help us arrest the suspect to come,” he said.

He disclosed that they had been looking for the suspect since February 4, when he allegedly attacked and raped the grandmother.

“The suspect disappeared immediately after engaging in the act which left the old woman hurt and sick,” he said.

Odongo told The Standard that the suspect had gone to hide at his uncle’s home, where they got information from some members of the public about his whereabouts.

 The AP boss decried the escalating rate of rape and defilement cases in the region.