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You are seated in church and the preacher is giving a moving sermon, then the guy sitting next to you snores so loudly that everyone turns to stare at him… and you, since they assume you are together.
‘Come as you are’ might be a popular refrain, but this does not mean leaving decorum at the church door.
• Switch off your mobile phone or put it in ‘silent’ mode when in church.
• The church is a holy ground. Avoid going there drunk or smoking.
• Be polite and friendly, especially if it is your first time to attend service at a particular church. Try and smile at the person sitting next to you. If you are friendly, you will feel more comfortable.
• Participate in church activities if you can. You can read the Bible verses of the day, or join the choir or mothers’ or fathers’ union if there is one.
• Most churches have a designated section for children and infants. If you come to church with your child, sit in this section to avoid distracting the rest of the congregation. If you have school going children, let them attend Sunday School, which they will enjoy more than the adults’ sermon, and not interrupt your concentration during the service.
• Dress up for church; you have a date with the Lord. Show respect by dressing decently; avoid anything very short, tight, or showing a lot of flesh.
• Due to the terror threats that have affected even our churches, it is now common to find guards with metal detectors at the entrance. Cooperate with and be polite to these security people; their mission is to take care of your safety.
• If the church has a set of guidelines, follow them. For instance, most churches discourage walking in and out during prayers or Bible reading.
• Keep time. Some people will confidently walk into church at 10.30am, when the service started at 9.30am and ends at 11am. When you walk in late, you miss a lot, and it is a sign of disrespect.
• Never chew gum in church. I once sat next to a woman who chewed gum throughout the service. She made disgusting noises as she chewed, which distracted those sitting around her. Secondly, she hardly concentrated since she had her phone on throughout; on Facebook.
• Do not leave before the service ends.
• Never walk away with hymnbooks or Bibles that belong to the church. Leave them in the designated holder.
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• If you have a hangover on the day of the service, stay at home. There is no need of going to church, only to snore throughout the service.