Want to lose weight? Scientists have discovered a sweet answer


KENYA: This New Year has come with better tidings for the likes of Frao. No he has not had an immediate wage increase or promotion. It has come with research findings from researchers from the University of Quebec in Canada.

The research indicates that if you want to lose weight after the excesses of the just concluded festive period, you may be better off heading for the bedroom rather than the gym.

Making love really does count as significant exercise, the scientists have said.

They have found out that an hour of romance between the sheets burns almost as many calories as a 30-minute jog. And so should be taken into account when drawing up a fitness plan.

Men expend 120 calories during half an hour of sex and women use up 90 calories.

That is just under half the amount they would burn in a 30-minute jog.

For brief periods during sex, some men used more energy than they did while on the treadmill.

And this is what now makes Frao go gaga. He contends that he can save on the gym costs and use the money to entertain his girls so long as there will be a session of ‘losing weight’ thereafter.

Huff and puff

“Honestly Tony, why would I huff and puff for an hour or so in intense pain all in the name of losing weight when I can shed the weight in a sweeter way?” he sheepishly giggles.

“Frao, this is just some mere research findings, don’t be lazy and get carried away with it.

You are better off with the tried and tested methods. After all, they say no pain no gain,” I argued with him.

But he would have none on it. “Let me tell you something. Even the meal plans and exercising regimes are based on past research findings, where is it now that this time around, we want to dispel research findings?” he asked. “Is it because, this time round, the research prescribes a sweet pill?” he posed.
Unable to contain this excitement, and worried that Frao who has in the past been advised to watch his cholesterol levels, I looped in our good pal Stella.
This was all in the hope that as a woman, she would help impress on Frao to stick to the running track and gym and avoid ‘bedminton’ as weight loss strategy.
We agreed to meet over coffee on Friday and stick to coffee only seeing that over the festive season we all had downed lots of alcohol.
Mark too, shook off his wife and convinced her to drive home after assurances that I would personally deliver him to the house.
So as soon as they had sat down, Frao started lobbying.
“Stella, if you had to run or cycle in order to lose weight what would you choose?” he asked.  “Of course, cycle. I’m no longer a little girl when we used to hear that a lot of cycling could actually deflower you,” she answered.
Immediately Frao sensed a win. “What about you Mark?” Frao asked. “Given a chance, I would also prefer to cycle, it’s less painful”.
“And suppose you were given a far better option than cycling?” Frao naughtily probed.
“Of course, it would be superb, but which one is this?” Mark enquired wide eyed.
Frao now sheepishly smiling turned to me and told me “Now tell them the other part”.
There is this research that suggests that…I mumbled.
“It does not suggest it has scientifically found…” Frao corrected.
“Ok suit yourself, the research has found that you can actually lose weight by engaging in ‘sex-ercise’ but I was of the opinion that…” I tried to proceed.
“Hurray… that’s it”. Mark and Stella shouted in unison.
I realised that I would rather save my breath and concentrate on the coffee.
With sexual activity highly enjoyable and more appreciated than the 30-minute exercise session on the treadmill, folks it’s time to tighten the bolts on the beds.