Wetang’ula win sparks off battle for Luhya spokesman

BY STEPHEN MAKABILA                 

KENYA: After the Bungoma County senatorial contest won by Ford-Kenya party leader and CORD co-principal Moses Wetang’ula on December 19th, focus is now on who has the clout to be political leader of the Luhya community.

While plans are underway by Ford-Kenya MPs to crown Mr Wetang’ula who is destined to reclaim his position of Senate Minority Leader, as the Luhya spokesperson. However, there are those opposed to the move including Amani coalition leader Musalia Mudavadi.

Analysists opine Wetang’ula had secured Bungoma and Trans-nzoia counties as the political pointman, thus becoming the supremo of the populous Bukusu community making almost half of the Luhya population.

His Ford-Kenya party has the highest number of parliamentary seats and county assembly seats in the two counties, with Trans-Nzoia County Senator and Governor all belonging to his party.

However, despite his political dominance in Bukusuland, there are those who feel he is yet to penetrate Busia County that is predominantly ODM and Kakamega and Vihiga counties and Vihiga whose politics are largely controlled by Mudavadi’s UDF party and ODM.

Likuyani MP Enock Wamalwa Kibunguchy (ODM) says Wetang’ula is the right person to speak for Western.

“You look around and you do not see anyone to compete him in experience, seniority, energy and zeal and this was demonstrated on December 19th when he reclaimed his seat with resounding victory,” said Dr Kibunguchy.

But Mudavadi’s Private Secretary, Mr Kibisu Kabatesi argues Wetangula as a Luhya spokesman does not have the mantle, respect and numbers either of MPs or popular support across Luhya-land.

“Look at how the ODM leadership in the region gave his campaign a contempt card. All luminaries kept off,” said Mr Kabatesi

Political analyst Mr Tony Gachoka says the Bungoma Senator is a battle-hardened politician and Amani coalition can only ignore his political machinations at their own peril.

Political direction

“We should wake-up to reality that Wetang’ula is a kingpin in Western politics. Infact if the Jubilee government cannot reach out to him, it should forget ever making any inroad in the region,” added Gachoka.

Ford-Kenya MPs involved in plans to have Wetang’ula crowned the Luhya spokesperson include party Secretary General, Tongaren MP Eseli Simiyu, Kiminini MP Chris Wamalwa and Kwanza MP Ferdinand Wanyonyi.

Ford-Kenya National Organising Secretary Chris Mandu, confirmed that all was set to crown Wetang’ula as Luhya spokesperson.

“What we want is for the community to have a person who can give it political direction. As things stand now, Wetangula suits the role because he is the senior most elected leader in the region by virtue of being a co-principal in CORD and Senate Minority Leader,” added Mandu.

Plans to make Wetang’ula the leader of Western are not new, and by last April, some leaders had already started contemplating on his elevation. By then, former Nairobi Mayor George Aladwa  had hinted they wanted Wetang’ula to steer the region politically.

Commenting on the planned elevation to the Luhya spokesman, Mudavadi told The Standard on Sunday, “This is the usual razzmatazz in celebrating a victory. It is excessive glorification. My experience is that attempts at self-coronation usually backfire.”

The former Deputy Prime Minister further said, “Community leadership, especially in heterogeneous ones like ours, requires painstaking work to win over people. You don’t force things. You must gain their trust and confidence. It’s too early for my brother. The real battles are yet to come.  The least I expected was for him to win over estranged members of the CORD coalition in the region.

On the future of the Amani coalition after its candidate Musikari Kombo suffered defeat in the hands of Wetang’ula, Mudavadi said, “ We remain convinced that we might not have won the numbers in the by-election but stand strong on overall support for Amani coalition in Bungoma. We are the largest coalition in terms of elected leaders in the County. One could even predict that we have grown stronger because our supporters since the last elections have not wavered.”

He said Amani was in the process of restructuring  partner parties to bring them under one roof and the coalition parties will soon collapse into one strong movement.

“We invite all those short-changed in CORD to come on board so that we can build a formidable force and move together,” he added

Forge ahead

The former DPM’s ally in the Amani coalition, former Justice Minister Eugene Wamalwa who is the New Ford-Kenya party leader, says that if the region has to forge ahead and forget about the factions that have betrayed the unity of the community, they will have to dissolve all the parties to come up with a solitary party that will represent the wills of the region.

“Our brothers Cyrus Jirongo, Kenneth Marende and Wetang’ula, who have declared their interest to vie for the presidency in the near future, should join Mudavadi and other leaders so that they can iron out a few issues and choose the person whom they will present as the region’s leader,” he said.