
Elderly Belgian gets 20 years for defiling girl

Allain Perniaux at Shanzu Law Court in Mombasa Wednesday where he was charged with unlawfully and intentionally defiling a minor aged 13. He was jailed for 20 years.  [PHOTO: onyango omondi/STANDARD]


Mombasa, Kenya: An elderly Belgian has been jailed for 20 years for sexually defiling a minor and subjecting her to labour over two years.

The conviction of Allain Perniaux at the Shanzu Law Courts in Mombasa brought to light the controversial matter of child prostitution and sex tourism on the Kenyan coast.

Mr Perniaux’s lawyer Vincent Omole said his client was unfairly treated and said he will appeal the ruling.

Meanwhile, the trial, which was done partly through a French interpreter Stefan Aboge, ended dramatically with the conviction of the minor’s mother to three years in jail after finding her guilty of child neglect and profiting from child prostitution.

The shocked Belgian, who has been on bail was immediately detained at Shimo la Tewa prison to start his sentence. Perniaux was charged with the crimes of subjecting the Standard Two primary school child to labour for a fee of Sh500 per month, which was transferred to her mother, Sidi Charo, and also subjecting the girl to sexual acts at an exclusive apartment block near Mtwapa, mostly occupied by retired Europeans.

The prosecution testified that Perniaux forced the girl to perform oral sex on him and also subjected her to penetrative sex on diverse dates between 2010 and July 14, 2012.

He also took naked photographs of the girl for his sexual gratification, according to the prosecution.

Magistrate James Ombura rejected a medical report brought by Perniaux’s defence disclosing that he suffered sexual erectile dysfunction resulting from diabetes and relied on the victim’s testimony to convict the Belgian, whose age was not immediately known.

The magistrate said the prosecution had proved its case against the two beyond reasonable doubt.

“I find the evidence of the child consistent, flowing and factual as there is no doubt she used to go to the man’s house every Saturday,” said Mr Ombura.

The magistrate dismissed claims that the defence’s argument that Perniaux, arrested on July 18, last year, was framed by extortionists who had allegedly demanded money from him to have the case dropped.

“The girl gave evidence that the accused took her to his house, where he removed her clothes, took her photographs naked and removed his private part for the girl to play with, and thereafter had carnal knowledge of the girl,” said Ombura.