Siaya County Finance Bill proposes higher charges for mortuary services

By Lawrence Aluru

Siaya, Kenya: Residents of Siaya County may soon be forced to dig deeper into their pockets if the Finance Bill 2013/2014 that proposes higher rates becomes law.

The Bill proposes to double mortuary fee, which is currently Sh150 per day for normal storage and Sh350 per day for special storage. 

Those living in Government and county houses will have to pay three times the current amount of Sh1000 to continue staying in the same places.

The Principal Finance Officer Richard Sang said the new rates have been necessitated by the high standard of living and influx of people to the county.

“The charges for the rental houses must be in tandem with the market rates,” Sang said.

If passed, the new law will also see charges for towing of vehicles as well as treatment and sale of dogs doubled.

The Bill also proposes introduction of off-street parking in the town centre and the outskirts where salon cars will be charged Sh200 while lorry owners will pay Sh700 up from Sh300.

Removal of illegal signs will cost offenders Sh6,000 while the storage fee per day will be doubled from Sh500.

For business encroachment within the streets pavement or shop corridors, the application fee will rise Sh7,000 from Sh1,000 and shall be paid only once per square foot.

Use of public grounds, which include stadiums and Ahindi Garden, will also attract a fee depending on the nature of the meeting.

Those hiring the ground for political rallies and related activities will pay a higher than those using them for charitable undertakings.