
The end result of dystopian rights is mass suicide. It makes sense to oppose their agenda to protect life now and in future

By Charles Kanjama

My favourite modern thinker, G.K. Chesterton, once noted, “When you break the big laws, you do not get freedom; you do not even get anarchy. You get the small laws.” This means stifling restraints. Utopian literature tries to avoid the small laws by exploring the human state of blissful existence, and thus ideal society. Utopian literature takes its name from Thomas Moore’s Utopia, and includes Plato’s The Republic, Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, Samuel Butler’s Erewhon and HG Wells’s Men like Gods.

In contrast, some authors have done a great service to humanity by writing dystopian literature. This literature explores future society after human development results in loss of human values like freedom, trust and co-operation. Notable dystopian literature includes George Orwell’s 1984, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and Suzanne Collins’, The Hunger Games.

True dystopia is the result of an attempt at utopia gone bad. The first real Utopian narrative is the biblical story of the Garden of Eden, mirrored in other ancient origin literature from Mesopotamia. And the first truly dystopian literature is found in the story of the fall in Genesis, Chapter 3. The utopian/dystopian approach can expose the apparent promise and grave danger of the LGBTI movement, not just the lesbians and gays, but also the bisexual, transgender and intersex component, which targets the notion of stable sexual identity.

The LGBTI movement appeals strongly for tolerance, a quality that seems much in demand in the modern world. Shouldn’t a mature society allow human beings to adopt the sexual and gender identity of their choice, without forcing them into ironclad social categories that cause them harm? Isn’t an individual’s choice of sexual identity morally neutral? This is the appeal of Kenya’s transgender movement, promoted by the personal story of Andrew Mbugua who has opted to become Audrey. Shouldn’t society oblige?

Luckily we don’t need dystopian literature to explore the future of a transgendered society. We can simply observe what’s happening in the American State of Massachusetts. Adam MacLeod, writing recently in The Witherspoon Institute’s Public Discourse, explains the endgame of transgendered society in his article, “Sky Fall: Gender Ideology comes to the Schoolhouse.”

MacLeod narrates, “Two years ago, the Massachusetts legislature enacted a statute prohibiting, among other things, discrimination in public schools on the basis of ‘gender identity’. The law defines gender identity as ‘a person’s gender-related identity, appearance or behaviour’, (unrelated to) ‘the person’s physiology or assigned sex at birth’. On the basis of that statute, the Department of Education has now eradicated sexual distinctions from public schools.” And so the chickens come home to roost. Once sexual difference is treated as irrelevant to marriage or sex, then nothing is left to halt the slippery slope that compels us all to ignore sexual differences in any personal or social reality. Once the LGBTI individual successfully asserts a legal right to that identity, everyone else in society bears increasingly onerous duties to them, which results in a growing loss of personal, family and social liberty. Thus, the LGBTI lobby is a threat to you, your family, your work and your society.

The moment we ignore the biblical admonition, “male and female he created them”, together with its genetic, anatomical, psychological, spiritual and societal manifestations; at that moment we enter, not a utopia of liberty, but the dystopian society Chesterton warns about: the brave new world, 1984, the world of the small laws, small but endless, endless and suffocating, in which the minority, the exception, gets to rule over us all.

This is the antithesis of democracy, and yet it is neither mob rule nor autocracy. The end result of dystopian rights is mass suicide. So it makes sense to oppose the LGBTI agenda, not because we hate the individuals espousing it before us, but because we love the families we are protecting behind us.