How do you like the person serving your favourite drink at your local? Most men will tell you that they don’t mind some measure of ‘optical nourishment’. By ‘optical nourishment’ they mean a waitress, who is easy on the eye. If the waitress is attractive enough then chances of him returning to the joint are high.
Some pubs are keenly aware of this fact and have gone out of their way to employ ‘attractive’ girls to serve their mainly male clientele. This is as opposed to the frumpy old waitresses – who also doubled as bouncers – that would also drink hard.
However, of late some Nairobi establishments are keenly aware of men’s need for ‘optical nourishment’. Leading the pack is Pisces 3D Pub. Although located in the notorious River Road, it boasts of some of the finest lasses working as waitresses. The girls working at the club are professional models, the type you see in glossy magazine covers.
George Simon, the owner of Pisces 3D and a professional photographer, told The Nairobian that serving as waitresses at the club is a convenient way for the girls to earn an income as they await modelling gigs. The models wear different outfits in line with each night’s theme — all to woo customers
From seedy establishments to high-end facilities, it is no secret that how good the person serving you looks is almost as important as the service itself.
This week we ask, would a hot waitress woo you to visit an entertainment joint or buy more drinks?
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