No need to ban gay unions as future seems set for pleasures

By Ben Arum

Kenya: President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda has finally found scientific reasons for assenting to an anti-gay law.

I read the report given to him by a team of scientists as posted on Facebook  by Mr Okiya Omtata. Their report is full of biological words to give credence to an uncertain scientific position. Nobody has so far adequately explained why men get attracted to women and vice versa.

People get attracted to the beautiful , the strong, the prosperous  and the non-aggressive. The gene for these orientations is universal just like the power that rules self- interest and instinct for survival.

Loathsome, contemptuous and indifferent behaviors are infrequent before the traits of beauty and prosperity or power. I have always suspected the original perversion was the connivance between man and woman to use their bodies for pleasure.

Sex literature reveal that sexual practices even between men and women involve some creative and unconventional experiments to explore pleasure. Some things done during heterosexual unions are no different from what homosexuals do with their bodies. Would anal sex within heterosexual marriage pass the moral bar for upright living?

What is contemptible about homosexual orientation should be considered alongside what makes the habits of rats and cockroaches contemptible to man. You cannot legislate against them even if you don’t like them. Homosexuality threatens family life and the continuity of the human race but again, how much has the human race lost to heterosexual creativity through the transmission of STDs and recently AIDS?

Imperfect authority

In the beginning, there was good and evil came as an imperfect authority. God and good remain perfect and unchangeable but evil must work hard to improve its chances.

Men nowadays remain sexually relevant by using Viagra and other sex enhancing drugs and this is accepted; it cannot be compared to a man whose dysfunction is a sexual orientation towards other men.

While animals are satisfied with the fertility cycles of their females, man even wants to ban menstruation.

California has witnessed the first church sanctified marriage between a man and his dog!  Along side the evolution of perversion, there are developments in science and technology that will make future difficult to legislate.

When enough men will have married their own kind and enough women coupled in marriage, the real gender war will start.

The earlier this war is fought the better because after it man will get unshackled from carnal pleasure and return to animal life where sex is only for procreation.

Sin is evolving and science is justifying it and governments, churches are giving in. The future is for pleasure and the agonies that come with it.