
Fresh drive to honour freedom fighter Mekatilili wa Menza at Kilifi war site

Culture enthusiasts at the Coast have launched a fresh drive to build a monument in honour of Mekatilili wa Menza, one of Kenya’s most outstanding freedom fighters.

Working with the Malindi District Cultural Association (Madca), the culturalists plan to acquire about two acres at Shakahola in Chakama, Malindi, Kilifi County, the site where Menza launched the famed resistance against British rule.

Karisa Mwarandu, the Madca secretary-general, said the cultural enthusiasts this month teamed up with his association and agreed to acquire the land at Chakama Kwa Hawe Wanje for the monument.

“Earlier this month, we agreed with Karisa Madenge family to buy the land where Mekatilili started the war against the British,” Mwarandu said, adding that the land costs Sh640,000.

Mwarandu said Madca used to celebrate Mekatilili annually at her grave site at Bungale but they have now turned to the site where she launched the war to “honour heroism”.

Stanley Chai, a Malindi cultural enthusiast said it was time coastal people and well-wishers united to honour Mekatilili for her act of heroism and for inspiring the fight for independence

Menza died in the 1920s of natural causes.

The Mekatilili wa Menza festival is held in August in Kilifi County.

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Mekatilili wa Menza