
Appointments: Governor Joho picks 14 chief officers

Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho (pictured) has appointed new county chief officers after contracts of the office bearers expired on Friday.

The governor has filled 14 positions 10 of them with substantive county chief officers and the rest in acting capacity.

Sources indicated yesterday that the governor wants to cut down number of chief officers from 18 to 14 to streamline service delivery.

The governor’s list has no new faces in what is seen as an attempt to avoid vetting through the County Public Service Board which is not in place yet. The county assembly is currently on recess until February 11.

The governor yesterday released the list through the county communication director Richard Chacha.

Joho filled the positions to avoid crippling service delivery as chief officers are the accounting officers of their respective departments.

Deputy Governor William Kingi said in some departments, the number of chief officers has been reduced to ensure effective service delivery.