
Another dead cat found in assembly

Another dead cat has been found in the county assembly. The first cat was found on August 21. Members of the assembly yesterday found the carcass on their first sitting after recess. Some members have linked the incidents to witchcraft. 

In both cases, the cats had been decapitated and skinned.

The MCAs demanded to know who was behind the incidents. They also questioned how the perpetrators sneaked into the chambers unnoticed.

The majority leader, Ibrahim Adamo, demanded an explanation from the speaker, Justin Nkaduda.

He asked Mr Nkaduda to table CCTV footage so that the identity and the motives of the perpetrators could be revealed.

"We want to know how someone gained access to the chambers when the county assembly was closed and dumped the animals. CCTV cameras must have recorded what happened and that is why we are asking for a review of the footage," said Mr Adamo, the Bangale MCA.

CCTV cameras

He added: "We are not taking this matter lightly. What is happening here is serious. We feel our lives are in danger." 

Adamo wanted the speaker to order the clerk of the county assembly to provide a report on the incidents and called for thorough investigations and the arrest of the culprits.

Galana Gayoye, who saw the cat, said a worker found the first headless carcass in an office and that it was suspected to have been put there at night.

"It caught many by surprise and has left many unanswered questions. Many have wondered how someone can sneak despite the security and CCTV cameras," he said.