County injects Sh80m into NHIF programme

Health CEC Fredrick Mbugua said registration of persons interested in the programme is conducted in polling centres.

"Details are being sought before one is listed in the Kang'ata Care/NHIF programme," said Dr Mbugua.

Jane Nyambura, a resident of Kimorori ward, said she hopes the programme would cater for her after she was involved in a road accident ten years ago.

"I need to be part of the Kang'ata Care programme as my children are not well off," said Nyambura in her 60s.

James Mwaura, a resident of Kangari, said all those aged 70 and above should be listed in the health care programme.

"Majority of the elderly in tea growing areas frequently visit health facilities due to extreme cold and would benefit greatly from the programme," said Mwaura.