Three administrators, among them a deputy county commissioner, are under investigation for the theft of 23 solar panels in Ithang'a, Gatanga.
The suspects, among them two chiefs, are under investigation by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) after the theft of the property belonging to Gatanga Water and Sanitation Company was reported.
The sleuths discovered the solar panels in the home under construction belonging to the administrator in Matungulu, Machakos County.
Two panels were found late last year in a homestead in Ithanga after the owner disclosed to officers that he had bought them from a local chief.
Detectives from Gatanga DCI office on Tuesday recovered 13 solar panels when they extended the search of the missing equipment to Matungulu. Two months ago, residents demanded the administrators linked with the theft of the panels be investigated, seeking for answers as to how they were removed from Ngatho chief's office.
Faulty panels
Ithanga/Kakuzi Sub-county Police Commander, Patrick Nyaanga, confirmed the recovery of the 13 solar panels saying the matter has been under investigation.
"We have been looking for the solar panels and the investigators managed to recover 13 of them," said Mr Nyaanga.
Early this year, 15 faulty solar panels were reportedly dumped at Kaguku police station, which were later disowned by the management of the water company due to contradicting serial numbers.
Each of the panels dumped in the police compound can produce 330 watts, while those that were stolen each produced 300 watts.
Police sources divulged that plans to dump the panels was an attempt to derail investigations in efforts to implicate a senior police officer in the theft.
In the statements recorded at Gatanga DCI office, the witnesses claimed the solar panels were removed from the chief's office and loaded onto a government vehicle before being transported to an unknown destination.
Gatanga Water Managing Director, John Kairu, said the disappearance of the equipment stalled planned distribution of water to the thirty communities from Ngatho boreholes.
"We are pleased with the investigations and hope all the 23 solar panels will be recovered to enable the company to accomplish its mission to distribute water to the residents in the lower Gatanga," said Mr Kairu.
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