
Wamatangi protests ‘breach of protocol’

Senator Kimani Wamatangi yesterday bitterly protested alleged breach of protocol by the master of ceremonies at Ndumberi Stadium during Mashujaa Day celebrations.

Kiambu Senator Kimani Wamatangi joins students from Thogoto Teachers College in a Mwomboko Dance yesterday at Ndumberi stadium during Mashunjaa Day celebrations on October 20,2015. (PHOTO: JOHN KARUME/ STANDARD)

Mr Wamatangi accused Deputy County Commissioner Nobert Komora, who was the master of ceremony of breaching protocol. Mr Komora invited Wamatangi to give his address before the county commissioner and deputy governor.

Wamatangi told Komora that protocol starts with the senator, governor, woman representative, Members of Parliament and other leaders follow in that order. Therefore, he should have been invited last to speak.