Physical checkup for potential KDF candidates at Migori sports ground in 2018 (PHOTO: FILE)

NAIROBI, KENYA: The Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) has announced a month long mass recruitment exercise beginning November 19 to December 19.

KDF warned members of public against bribery in an exercise seeking to recruit servicemen/women, tradesmen/women and constables.

Tradesmen/women with diploma qualifications in Aeronautical, automotive engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, journalism, medical laboratory, library, architecture, welding instrumentation and control are invited to submit their applications.

Other areas of interest to KDF include marine engineering, community social work, pharmacy, meteorology, public health, dental technology, radiography, plaster technology, survey, cooperative management, community oral health among others.

Artisans with qualifications in food production, music, plumbing, tailoring, welding and fabrication, music, plant mechanics, carpentry and joinery, brick layering are also asked to tender their applications on or before November 25.

Cases of corruption during police and military recruitment have been declining due to various measures that have been put in place. In 2016, there were five cases of corruption involving five people.

At least Sh2 million was paid in bribes compared to 2014, when 16 people were involved and Sh4 million transacted. In 2013, Sh5 million was paid in bribes by various parties.

In a stern warning to corrupt individuals, KDF said all persons presenting themselves for recruitment with fake documents or caught engaging in any corrupt activity are liable to prosecution.

“If you accept to be conned, you will lose your money or property and go to jail, do not waste your money and risk imprisonment,” KDF warned.

It also advised public that recruitment will be conducted at the advertised recruitment centers countrywide during daytime from 8.00am to 6.00pm on weekdays.

Successful candidates will be issued with calling letters at the recruitment centers. “Any person purporting to recruit or issue calling letters away from recruitment centers is a con person.”

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