5,400 households in Bumula set to get electricity

Bungoma County in partnership with the Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) aims to connect approximately 5,400 households to a reliable power supply in Bumula.

The project was inaugurated with a ceremonial pole installation in Lunakwe, presided over by the Cabinet Secretary for Energy Opiyo Wandayi. 

“I commend Governor Lusaka for securing this land for this project and the area MP Jack Wamboka for fighting tirelessly to see to it the funds have been allocated by the National government through REREC,” he said during the launch.

Wandayi also launched the last mile electrification programme worth Sh10 million to benefit 132 families in Lunakwe Village.

“The government has set aside money to the tune of Sh269 million for rural electrification through the last mile programme in Bumula alone,” he noted.

The CS said families will not pay to get connected. “This will be done completely free of charge. Let no one lie to you to make any payments,” he said.

REREC Chief Executive Rose Mukalama said all their projects will be completed in three months.

“We want to have success stories from this project. I urge local mamas in this village to make good use of the electricity and invest. You can even create groups and buy posho mills and earn from them,” she remarked.

Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka praised the project, describing it as transformative.

“This initiative will extend electricity to as many residents as possible, fostering economic growth and improving the quality of life for our people,” he added.

MP Wamboka lauded the move by REREC to light up rural areas, saying it will boost the local economy.

“It has been an uphill task actualising this project and I’m thankful to REREC for keeping to their promise,” he said.

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