Ruto warns CSs against bias, asks them to serve all Kenyans equally

President William Ruto in Mageta island, Siaya County, where he launched a Sh232.5 million solar power project. [Isaiah Gwengi]

President William Ruto has warned his Cabinet Secretaries against bias when delivering development projects to Kenyans.

The President said the principle behind the formation of the broad-based government was to ensure that all Kenyans benefit from the development projects equally.

President Ruto told his CSs that each of them must understand their jurisdiction is Kenya and ensure every part of Kenya is taken care of.

He was speaking in Sidindi during the thanksgiving ceremony for the CS of Energy and Petroleum Opiyo Wandayi on his third-day tour of the Nyanza region where he praised his new-found union with ODM.

"We must work together and avoid sectarianism, we must avoid exclusion. Every public servant must understand their jurisdiction is Kenya and ensure every part of Kenya is taken care of. I do not want any part of Kenya to be left behind," said Ruto.

The President praised ODM leader Raila Odinga for accepting to put aside their political differences and forming a broad-based government that has united Kenyans.

He said Kenya's challenges are minimal compared to its opportunities and it takes the unity of all citizens to unlock the challenges.

"I made a decision that is well thought out. A decision that I am sure will change the fortunes of our people a decision to unite this country," he said.

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