
Two done, more coming as Gen Z push on

Anti-Finance bill protestors in Nairobi on July 2, 2024. [Jonah Onyango, Standard]

Who would have thought that the online activism by the Gen Zs through TikTok and X (formerly Twitter) could topple a finance bill and send an entire Cabinet packing?

Not many, surely. But here we are, with Kenya’s Gen Z proving that they are not just the future, but very much the present of the nation’s political landscape.

In a superb turn of events, the pressure mounted by Kenya’s Gen Z activists has led to two monumental achievements in just one month.

First, their relentless online campaign led to the withdrawal of the controversial Anti-People Finance Bill 2024.

The bill, which many feared would burden the populace with oppressive taxes, was brought down by a wave of digital activism, primarily orchestrated through platforms like TikTok and X which so many of the young people top the streets.

Soon after this victory, the Gen Z activists set their sights on President Ruto’s Cabinet.

Labelling it incompetent, they demanded its dissolution, a seemingly impossible task that President William Ruto ultimately conceded to.

Yesterday, in an address to the nation at State House, President Ruto announced the sacking of all Cabinet Secretaries, leaving only the deputy president and Prime Cabinet Secretary in place.

This marked the second major win for Gen Z in Kenya, an achievement that left many scratching their heads in disbelief.

What started as a wave of online activism has now morphed into real political change, much to the delight of the young activists who have taken to the streets and social media to celebrate their victories.

Rachel Tabitha, a youth advocate, stated:

“The achievements of Gen Z in driving political transformation are monumental. Their influence is undeniable, and their priorities are reshaping the political agenda. The recent Cabinet reshuffle is a testament to their power and demands being recognised.”

Indeed, the Gen Z movement that began with them looking harmless, with only humorous memes and viral videos calling for government accountability. The humour quickly gave way to a more serious tone as the youth rallied around the hashtag #OccupyEverywhere, demanding transparency and action from their leaders. Their activism has borne fruit, with tangible changes that have never been seen before in such a short span of time.

The dissolution of the Cabinet is a testament to the power of collective action, even when it starts with something as seemingly trivial as a social media campaign.

Evans Kimori, a youth leader, commented on the achievements of Gen Z and the Cabinet reshuffle saying that their relentless push has led to significant political shifts.

“Gen Z’s relentless push for change has led to significant political shifts, including yesterday’s cabinet dissolution. Their demands are reshaping our political landscape, and the government’s response shows the undeniable power of our generation,” Kimori said 

However, the Gen Z activists are not resting on their laurels despite the achievements.

They continue to put more demands on their government.

Their latest demands include the resignation of President Ruto, the reconstitution of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), and the deportation of the US ambassador.

Evans Kimori, who spoke to the Standard on phone, said the Gen Zs were not backing down until the political air in the country was cleaned up.

“The Gen Zs are not backing down until the country’s political air is cleaned. They have planned next week’s programme, starting Tuesday, to occupy the CBD. These demonstrations are costing the government’s image dearly, forcing the president to listen and act according to our demands,” he said, adding:

“We want a president who listens to us, an electoral commission that is fair, and foreign diplomats who respect our sovereignty.”

The call for President Ruto’s resignation is particularly bold, reflecting the depth of frustration and disillusionment among Kenya’s youth.

The force of the Gen Zs has been so pronounced that they took to social media handles to dress down former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

They accused him of trying to sabotage their plans by endorsing calls for collective dialogue.

In his response, Raila said “The message is home.”

The boldest demand yet is the deportation of the US ambassador which adds an international dimension to their activism.

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