Iran's plea on the situation in the Middle East

H.E. Amir Saeid Iravani, Iran Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations. 

Iran's open letter to the United Nations Security Council; 

Mr. President, 

Distinguished Members of the UN Security Council,

We have called this urgent meeting to address a matter of grave importance and urgency, one that threatens international peace and security and challenges the very principles upon which this esteemed body was founded. As outlined in our letter to you today, Mr. President, we condemn the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the political chief of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and a prominent leader in the Palestinian struggle for self-determination. We believe this cowardly act was the result of an aggressive act of terrorism by Israel.

Haniyeh was in Tehran upon an official invitation from the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to attend the inauguration ceremony of the new President, alongside leaders from many foreign countries. He was allegedly targeted, along with his companion, in his residence in Tehran at around 2:00 am on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

This act of terror is another manifestation of Israel’s decades-long pattern of terrorism targeting Palestinians and other supporters and sympathisers of the Palestinian cause across the region and beyond.

In addition, Israel pursued a political goal with this act, aiming to disrupt the first day of the new Iranian government, which has prioritised strengthening peace and stability in the region and enhancing cooperation and constructive engagement with the international community.

Iran condemns in the strongest possible terms this horrific terrorist act as a serious violation of international law, the United Nations Charter, and a grave breach of our country’s sovereignty and national security.

This provocative act constitutes a serious breach of peace and security and requires immediate and effective action by the UN Security Council to fulfill its responsibilities under the Charter.

The act is not isolated but part of a broader pattern of aggressive actions and policies by Israel against other nations in the region. Just hours before this heinous crime, Israel carried out cowardly terrorist attacks in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon, targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure.

The leaders have shown complete disregard for the basic norms and principles of international law. Their crimes reveal a lack of commitment to peace and stability in the region and suggest an intention to escalate conflict and expand the war throughout the region.

The United States' responsibility as the strategic ally and supporter of Israel in the region cannot be overlooked in this crime. This act could not have occurred without their authorisation and intelligence support.

The international community, particularly the United Nations Security Council, cannot remain indifferent to such crimes and must take decisive action to address these violations and hold the perpetrators accountable.

Mr. President,

The persistent and systematic attacks on Palestinian civilians in Gaza, characterised by the disproportionate use of force and indiscriminate targeting, have resulted in the tragic loss of life, widespread destruction, and a deepening humanitarian crisis. These actions, which frequently target civilian infrastructure, residential areas, and medical facilities, not only violate international humanitarian law but also constitute war crimes under the Geneva Conventions.

Unfortunately, the Security Council’s inaction and inability have emboldened this recurring regime, allowing it to continue committing war crimes against the oppressed people of Palestine and acts of aggression against other nations in the region.

Iran has repeatedly warned of the serious repercussions that the malicious activities of the Israeli-occupying regime pose to regional and international peace and security. Despite these provocations, Iran has consistently exercised maximum restraint.

Following the cowardly attack on our diplomatic premises in Damascus, Syria, on April 1, we promptly notified the UN Security Council and the Secretary-General of the wrongful act. We called on the UNSC to denounce this unjustified criminal act decisively and to take appropriate measures to prevent the recurrence of such crimes and aggressions.

Regrettably, the Security Council has failed in its duty to maintain international peace and security, and a draft press statement proposed by Russia condemning the Israeli atrocious act was blocked by the United States. Yet, it is now imperative that the occupying regime be held fully accountable for its atrocities. This regime must not be allowed to evade responsibility for its violations and the consequences that follow.

Mr. President, 

Distinguished Members of the Council,

For nearly ten months, certain countries have shielded Israel from any responsibility for the massacre in Gaza and malicious activities in the region. These countries have not only denied the inherent right of Palestinian resistance groups to self-defense against atrocities but have also shamelessly justified the massacre and genocide against defenseless Palestinian people.

Palestinian resistance groups like Hamas and others in the region are not terrorists. They are legitimate groups under international law and were established to fight against occupation and aggression. Today at this meeting, in a display of hypocrisy, the United States has falsely accused Iran without acknowledging its failure, as a permanent member, to uphold its international commitments to peace and security in the region.

Mr. President,

The Security Council must unequivocally condemn Israel for this terrorist act as a serious violation of international law, the United Nations Charter, and a grave breach of Iran’s sovereignty and national security. This condemnation should be strong and clear and reflect the international community's rejection of such violations.

Furthermore, the Security Council should take immediate steps to hold perpetrators accountable for these acts of aggression. This includes considering the imposition of sanctions and other necessary measures to prevent further violations and to signal that Israeli malevolent activities will not be tolerated by the international community.

The Council must also demand that Israel immediately cease all aggressive actions against the Palestinian territories and other nations in the region. This demand should be accompanied by a call to end the occupation of the Palestinian territories, Lebanon, and the Syrian-occupied Golan, by international law and the principles of the UN.

Finally, Iran reserves its inherent right to self-defense, under international law, to respond decisively to this criminal act when it deems necessary and appropriate. Iran reaffirms its commitment to upholding international law and the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. We believe that peace and stability in the region can only be achieved through respect for these principles.

Thank you.

Mr. Amir Saeid Iravani is the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iran to the United Nations.

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