Embakasi and Kasarani most populated areas in Nairobi County

Overcrowding: Pipeline estate in Embakasi. [File, Standard]

Embakasi is the most densely populated area in Nairobi, according to the population and housing census carried out by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) last year.

The area has a population of 988,808, with male population standing at 492,476 and females 496,270. Most of the population here reside in the informal settlement of Mukuru kwa Njenga, Kware, Pipeline, Tassia and the formal Imara Daima.

Kasarani is the second most populated area in Nairobi with a population of 780,656, with a large number of the residents staying in Githurai.

Njiru area is also highly populated, with 318,809 females and 307,642 males. Njiru area consists of Dandora Phase I-IV, Mowlem, Kariobangi South and Saika.

The population chain trickles down to Dagoretti, which hosts a population of 434,208.

Affluent neghbourhood

Westlands is the affluent neghbourhood in the city and has a large population. The traditionally social and entertainment hub of the city boasts of a population of 308,854, with 104,980 households.

Kawangware is also highly populated with a total of 291,565; Roysambu 210,863; Eastleigh 225,815 and Kamukunji 268,276 people. Dandora and Mukuru kwa Njenga are the leading slum areas, debunking the myth that Kibera is the most populated informal settlement area.

Dandora hosts a population of 295,670, followed by Mukuru kwa Njenga at 242,941, Mathare 206,564 and Kibera 185,777. There are 94,199 male with 91,569 females in Kibera.

Areas that are less populated and with approximately 6,000 people include Loresho, Kyuna, Spring Valley, Upper Parklands, Bondeni, Lenana and City Square.

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