KMPDU blames ailing healthcare system for Dr Desree Moraa's death

Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) Secretary General Davji Atellah. [Boniface Okendo, Standard]

The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists, and Dentists Union (KMPDU) has called on the government to prioritise the working conditions of healthcare professionals following the tragic death of Dr. Desree Moraa.

In a statement on Tuesday, KMPDU Secretary-General Davji Atella cited Moraa's death as a stark reflection of the country's struggling healthcare system.

"Dr. Desree was an intern at Gatundu Level 5 Hospital, working under extremely difficult, hazardous, and undignified conditions that compromised both her safety and well-being," Atella said.

The union warned that the continued neglect of unpaid or underpaid healthcare workers will further endanger their safety and violate their basic rights.

"The system failed Dr. Moraa, as it has failed many others before her. It is broken and continues to put healthcare workers' lives at risk," Atella added.

Dr. Moraa died by suicide on Sunday night. Her body was found hanging from her apartment balcony.

Months ago, medics went on strike demanding the posting of more medical interns  and the increase of their pay among other grievances.

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