How value addition built my lucrative sunflower empire

Patrick Muthoni at his Farm in Mukurweini [Silas Nyamweya/Standard}

What really motivated you into sunflower farming and subsequently value addition?

The first motivation is the lucrative economic opportunities inherent in this business. We are able to generate good income and improve our livelihoods through cultivating sunflower and processing it into value-added products like oil, cake or snacks. Secondly, through sunflower production, we are able to diversify our income sources by creating multiple revenue streams from the same crop through value addition which generates various other products. What is more, there is a growing demand for sunflower products such as oil, snacks, and animal feed, both domestically and internationally.

What exactly is value addition on sunflower and how do you go about it? Sunflower value addition involves processes that enhance the value of sunflower seeds or oil beyond their original form. Here below are some common methods of sunflower value addition.

First there is oil extraction. The primary form of sunflower value addition is extracting oil from sunflower seeds.

This oil can be used for cooking, frying, salad dressings, and in the production of margarine and other food products.

Then there is snack production. Sunflower seeds can be roasted and seasoned to create a popular snack enjoyed around the world. Roasted sunflower seeds are nutritious and crunchy, making them a healthy and satisfying snack option.

The by-product of oil extraction, known as sunflower meal or cake, is a valuable ingredient in animal feed formulations. Sunflower meal is rich in protein and can be used as a feed supplement for livestock, poultry, and aquaculture.

The fourth aspect of value addition is the production of cosmetics and personal care products. Sunflower oil is a common ingredient in cosmetics and personal care products due to its moisturising and emollient properties. It is often found in skincare products such as lotions, creams, and lip balms.

Sunflower oil can also be processed into biodiesel, a renewable alternative to conventional diesel fuel.

Biodiesel derived from sunflower oil is environmentally friendly and can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation.

Sunflower oil contains compounds such as vitamin E and fatty acids, which have various health benefits. The oil is used in the production of dietary supplements, vitamins, and pharmaceutical formulations. There is also the production of industrial applications.

Sunflower oil is used in industrial applications such as lubricants, paints, and coatings due to its high viscosity and stability at high temperatures.

By adding value to sunflower seeds and oil through these processes, we maximise the economic potential of sunflower cultivation and contribute to sustainable agricultural development.

By adding value to sunflower seeds and oil through these processes, we maximise the economic potential of sunflower cultivation and contribute to sustainable agricultural development.

When did you start this project and what, on average, is your monthly income? We started this project last year, that is 2023. On income, we are able to make about Sh400,000 per month.

Any major challenge you have faced so far in your venture?

Our major challenge is climate variability, including unpredictable rainfall and prolonged droughts.

This can adversely affect sunflower yields and quality, leading to crop failure and reduced profitability for farmers. 

In addition, sunflower is susceptible to pests such as aphids, thrips, and stem borers, as well as diseases like downy mildew and rust.

Poor pest and disease management practices can result in yield losses and increased production costs for farmers.

What is more, there is also another challenge related to accessing quality seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and other agricultural inputs needed for sunflower cultivation. Limited availability and affordability of inputs can constrain productivity and profitability.

How do you market your products? We Identify target consumer segments for sunflower oil, sunflower seed cake in Kenya such as households, bakeries, restaurants, livestock farmers, and agricultural input suppliers.

We have also positioned our products, including sunflower oil and seed cake, as high-quality, locally produced products that offer health benefits, nutritional value, and versatility in culinary and agricultural applications.

We emphasise factors such as freshness, purity, and affordability compared to competing products.

We have also established distribution channels that reach target consumers effectively across urban and rural areas in Kenya.

This includes supermarkets, grocery stores, farmers’ markets, agro-input shops, online platforms, and direct sales to businesses in the food industry and agriculture sector.


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