
Numbers That Matter

I have always been a lover of numbers. In a world that makes little to no sense, I find sense in numbers. I remember in high school, when I would get bored (that used to happen quite a lot), I would turn to my Mathematics book and just do exercises. Not because I was really good at working out sums, but because I wanted to be really good at it. I loved the challenge and I loved that with Math you were either wrong or right. There was no in between. I also loved the air of importance that came with being really great with numbers. If you went to a Kenyan school, you would know that the Math Congress students were almost like demi-god.  As an FYI, it is not “Maths”, it is Math or Mathematics. Yeah, my love for numbers runs deep.

Now, in my adult life, I have come to learn that, my expertise in geometry, algebra, calculus and the likes were just that. Topics. And that life’s equations are really simple on paper but hold so much more meaning in our hearts and our minds. For example, I have always been attracted to the number 4. It is my favourite number. It has nothing special in how it is written, it doesn’t sing or dance or move or speak a foreign language, but it is special to me. Why? For starters, it is my birth month. It is my house number. It features in my cars number plate, and when I call and the phone rings four times, I hang up. I sometimes do things in multiples of four. It may be obnoxious but it is my number, and it matters to me.

Ever since the 25th January, hundreds of Kenyans have come out to talk about the numbers that matter to them. For some, it is the balance in their savings account, for others, it is a day they got their first born child, for others it is the betting odds on their bet slips and others just how many sausages and samosas they can have at a sitting. I really had wonderful time reading through people’s stories and seeing what numbers matter to them. You too could, just click here. Once you do, feel free to share what numbers matter to you as well.

I was intrigued, and curious as to what this #NumbersThatMatter was all about. Then, I was scrolling through twitter and came across a really beautiful ad by NCBA Bank, where this little girl was taking stock of all life’s occasions that mattered to her, like how many family dinners they had in the year or the number of times her dad cracked a joke that made her mum laugh. Those were the numbers that mattered to this little girl. The bank launched a campaign dubbed #NumbersThatMatter, which when you think about it, is a really creative way to demonstrate the real-life impact of the banks promise on its customers. It tells the customer’s story of real life meaning behind the financial services solutions they have received. Watch it below:

In a statement released by NCBA Bank, their Group Chief Executive, Gachora said, “More than ever, we recognize customers want to engage NCBA in different ways, and whichever way they want, they want us to listen. Through the Numbers That Matter campaign, we will reach out to our customer, emphasizing that we are listening and intent on helping them Go For It,” added Gachora.

“Our focus is to continuously develop and deliver customer centric campaigns that resonate with our customer’s day to day needs. We recognize that customers are evolving and the challenges for us is to ensure that we remain innovative and relevant to them” said Rosalind Gichuru, Group Director; Marketing Communications and Citizenship, NCBA.

The Numbers That Matter campaign will roll out immediately in the Kenyan market, and at various times within the year across the other NCBA markets in the region.

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