
Safaricom opens new retail shop in Busia

Customers sample new products at the new Retail shop that was launched in Busia County. The shop brings Safaricom services closer to the consumers unlike the previous times when they had to travel long distances to access them.

Safaricom on Wednesday opened its 50th retail shop in Busia to cater for the high demand in the Western Region as part of retail expansion strategy to meet customer needs. 

The Busia shop is a new addition to the retail centers in the Greater Western region which covers 10 counties and is expected to serve an estimated 400 customers daily.

Duncan Oloo and his daughter Shafra June check out phones during the launch of the new Safaricom retail shop in Busia County.

“The opening of Busia shop has been driven by the rising population and increasing demand for our products and services in this region. For a while now, customers in Busia and surrounding towns had to travel to Kisumu, which is a two-hour drive, to access Safaricom services or even buy genuine 3G and 4G devices” said George Ndhiwa, Head of Greater Western Region, Safaricom

With the new shops, customers in bordering towns can now access Safaricom products and services much faster. The shop will also help offload footfall from the care desks which have been serving customers in the area. 

In addition to the Busia shop, Safaricom customers can also access services at two newly refurbished shops in Kakamega and Bungoma, and at caredesks in Kimilili, Webuye, Malaba, Mumias, Port Victoria and Busia town.

Safaricom, Head of Department, Greater Western Region, George Ndhiwa (right), and Busia County, Deputy Governor, Moses Mulomi (left) have a discussion during the launch of the new Safaricom retail shop in Busia County.

“Great customer experience is at the heart of our operations, the retails shops and care centers will allow us to increase customer touch points to enable us serve our customers better. We are also channeling our investment in network infrastructure to ensure that customers can access 3G and 4G network seamlessly” said Mr. Ndhiwa.

The opening of the company's new shop in Busia is part of the Safaricom Twaweza Live experience in the Greater Western region which is a ten-day campaign culminating in a live music concert on August 25, 2018 at the ASK Showground. Key acts set to perform are Mercy Masika, Akothee, Jua Cali, Willy Paul, Gidigidi Majimaji, Nameless, King Kaka, Njugush, Jalang'o, Kriss Darlin, Dj Joe Mfalme and Dj Deff.