
ICT Authority selects bidders for digital literacy programme

NAIROBI, KENYA:  The ICT Authority on Tuesday said it has achieved a major milestone towards the implementation of the Digital Literacy Programme. It announced that it will be moving to the proof of concept in 150 schools across the country.

This is after the completion of the evaluation process of eight suppliers who had submitted their tender responses on January 8, 2016 for the supply, installation and commissioning of the Digital Learning Solution for the 22,000 public primary schools.

The consortium of Moi University and JP SA Couto emerged the winner in two of the three lots which covers 26 counties whereas that of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology and Positivo BGH was awarded one lot covering 21 counties.

The winning bidders will now proceed to demonstrate their proposals feasibility in 150 selected schools across the 47 counties after which an evaluation will be made on whether they can start the full roll out of the program across all public primary schools in the country. 

The schools are distributed evenly across the 47 counties with three schools picked and representing an urban, peri-urban and rural school. An additional nine schools are allotted to Special Education Schools.

The eight companies/consortium which were evaluated included Kenyatta University & BRCK Ltd/Guangzhou Institute of Technology, Symphony Technologies Limited & Multimedia University/Equity Holding Group/Tsinghua  TongFang  co Ltd, Hewlett - Packard EA Limited, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology & Meru University of Science and Technology/Participatia Technologia

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology & POSITIVO BGH

Moi University & JP SA Couto, S.A

Lenovo EA Limited,Trans Business Machine, Specicom &  Ensure Services

University of Nairobi & Huawei Technologies Ltd

They were part of the 10 companies that had been issued with the RFP documents on 27th November, 2015. The Expression of Interest (EOI) proposals were opened on 22nd September 2015 at the ICT Authority offices. In the opening, a total number of 25 companies/consortium successfully submitted their proposals by the deadline.

The project is being implemented through a multi-agency approach that consists of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ministry of Industrialization & Enterprise Development, Ministry of Energy and Petroleum ,The National Treasury and  the Office of the Attorney General.

The ICT Authority is the lead implementing agency for the programme. Other agencies include The Teacher Service Commission (TSC), Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), Rural Electrification Authority (REA), Kenya Power, Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) and Kenya Primary Schools Head Teachers Association (KEPSHA).

The key components of the programme are: Provision of content for digital learning.

Provision of digital devices for both learners and teachers.

Capacity development for teacher and implementers

Establishment of local assembly for digital devices and related accessories.

Broadband connectivity

The components have so far been delivered on schedule with the Interactive Digital Content for Standard one pupils being launched on 15th December 2015 by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD). The content is available on a universal platform on link http://kicdinteractivecontent.ac.ke/ .  Additionally the Ministry of Energy recently announced that they have almost completed connecting power to schools.  

A total of 66,000 teachers have been trained on digital literacy and are awaiting a refresher course in the next few weeks.