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By Peter Kamuri
NAIROBI,KENYA; The year has come to an end. Unfortunately, your job search has not yielded any positive results. So what went wrong? There are many reasons why job searches often do not work. Here are some possible reasons why you did not succeed this year:
You did not improve on your skills:
There are a number of important skills you need in order to fit in any career. You can start by becoming more proficient with computers, develop decision-making skills, besides honing leadership and analytical skills among others.
You never updated your CV: Most job seekers forget to update their CVs to meet the need of a specific job they are applying for. The CV should meet the employer’s needs and exclude irrelevant details. Remember, a good CV is your ticket to the interview.
Undecided on career path:
Failure to know what type of work appeals to you is always a stumbling block. But herein is the paradox. A person can only establish what you are capable of doing through the qualifications, skills and experience you have.
You never dedicated time for job hunting:
If you do not set aside time for your job search, you might find yourself distracted by other competing issues you have to attend to – cleaning, visiting friends or even entertainment. So set specific time of the day when you will concentrate with your job search.
You did not make blind job applications:
Did you know that more than half of the jobs available in the market are not advertised? If you never made such application, you cannot expect to find work. So start sending application letters to places that have jobs and let them know you are looking for one. You never know when a vacancy may arise.
You never made yourself visible: Visibility is the key in job hunting. Make yourself available during local events like national days, trade fairs and other corporate shows. Most of them are open to the public and may help you to build crucial contacts by talking to people and let them know you are looking for a job.
You did not use the social media networks to your advantage:
Those people who can help you find a job are those who know you — your old schoolmates, friends, family members or people you have worked with before. Therefore, use them and their connections as you look for work.
You did not use a business card:
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Many unemployed people think business cards are for the employed people only. But you must remember that you are a professional and you should always package yourself as one at all time.
You were always procrastinating:
When many jobseekers encounter setbacks during their searches, they give up and put off updating their CVs and making follow ups. When you postpone what can be done today to another day, you end up delaying your success.
Did not ask for the job:
Many job seekers whine that they have been going through difficult moments looking for a job, yet they have not made the first step to ask for it when it is advertised. You cannot get a job you never asked for.