Khalwale slams Mudavadi, Wetangula, vows to join Tawe movement

By Bernard Lusigi | Jun 10, 2024
 Prime Cabinet Minister Musalia Mudavadi, Senator Boni Khalwale, National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang'ula and UDA Sec Gen Cleophas Malala in a previous political rally event in Kakamega County. [Nathan Ochunge, Standard]

Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale has indicated that he will join a crop of new group young politicians from Western Kenya pushing for a generation change in the region’s leadership.

Through a movement dubbed Tawe, founded by Trans Nzoia governor George Natembeya, the leaders want the old guards, notably National Assembly speaker Moses Wetang’ula and Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, to pave way for the young Turks.

Dr Khalwale has announced that he will join forces with the Tawe movement in order to vanquish Wetang’ula and Mudavadi politically.

Khalwale says Mudavadi and Wetang’ula have failed to live up to the expectations of the electorate in Western.

“I will join the new crop of young politicians from the region who want to unseat the duo as Western political kingpins because they have failed the people,” he said.

Khalwale accused Wetang’ula of playing politics of deceit after he allegedly transferred funds meant for the upgrade of Kakamega airstrip to a fully-fledged international airport to Bungoma’s Matulo airstrip, at the heart of Webuye town which is earmarked for a major facelift and elevation.

Recently, Wetang’ula said the new airport in Bungoma is meant to spur economic growth in the region and open up the county to the outside world.  “The Bungoma International Airport is going to be bigger than what we have in Kakamega and Kitale. It will only be complimentary to Kisumu and Eldoret international airports,” Wetang’ula said.

“I have already engaged national carriers like Kenya Airways, Jambojet and Safarilink and we shall have regular flights coming to Bungoma once the airport is fully in operation,” he added.

Wetang’ula argues that it will be easier for people who come from Turbo, Mumias, Mt Elgon, Kakamega, Malaba and Bungoma to land in Webuye and board a vehicle to their destinations, as opposed to landing in Eldoret or Kisumu.

Nonetheless, Khalwlale took issue with Wetang’ula for playing dirty politics with the project.

Khalwale also lashed out at Mudavadi for remaining silent and failing to defend and represent his community when other leaders are pulling resources and taking development projects to their places.

His reaction comes in the backdrop of heightened political attacks from youthful politicians led by Natembeya who is accusing the duo of being lords of poverty by enriching themselves at the expense of 7.5 million people from the region.

Speaking during a burial in Lurambi constituency, Khalwale accused Mudavadi and Wetang’ula of misadvising President William Ruto on matters of development in the region. He called on the two leaders to exit the political scene and allow him to join forces with the young politicians to represent the region.

“I have remained the lone voice of our people. When the Cabinet, some times back approved that the nucleus of Mumias and Nzoia sugar companies should be sold, I was left alone and I stood firm and told the president that our people are against the move to sell their ancestral land. I stopped the move. My elder brothers Mudavadi and Wetang’ula remained silent,”said Khalwale.

The senator accused Wetang’ula and Mudavadi of sitting around the President thinking about themselves and not the community.

But Bungoma Senator David Wakoli has laughed off Khalwale’s remarks saying it is time for Bungoma to enjoy the numerous privileges Kakamega has enjoyed for a long time as a big brother in the region, adding that they will continue to pursue what rightfully belongs to the people of Bungoma.

A week ago United Democratic Alliance Secretary General Cleophas Malala endorsed Natembeya’s Tawe Movement and the outfit’s push to edge out both Mudavadi and Wetangula.

“I support you governor Natembeya for what you are doing but your list is not complete. Please add former Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya and DAP-K Eugene Wamalwa on that list so that they exit the political stage alongside Mudavadi and Wetang’ula,” said Malala.

Malala’s sentiments were echoed by Sabot MP Caleb Amisi and Roots Party Leader George Wajackoyah.

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