Police probe alleged love gone sour in supermarket manager's murder

Rift Valley
By Antony Gitonga | Jun 06, 2024
The manager's mutilated body was found in a pool of blood. [iStockphoto]

Police in Naivasha are investigating suspected love-gone-sour in the murder of a manager in one of the top supermarkets in the town.

So far, the police have arrested a 25-year-old suspect in connection with the brutal murder of the 38-year-old manager two weeks ago.

The officers also recovered the murder weapons, electronic equipment and some clothes belonging to the deceased.

On May 22 the manager failed to report to work forcing police to break into his house where the mutilated body was found lying in a pool of blood.

According to a source privy to the investigations, the suspect allegedly had an affair with the deceased before they fell out.

The source said the suspect who allegedly confessed to killing the manager accused him of betrayal which led to the fatal attack inside a rental house near Naivasha town.

“The suspect had the key to the victim’s house and would visit him regularly before they fell out leading to the attack two weeks ago,” said the source.

The officer said that the suspect out of anger allegedly used a kitchen knife to kill the manager before carting away some personal effects and electronics.

Naivasha OCPD Stephen Kirui said the suspect would be arraigned in court to face murder charges.

He said that using CCTV and phone records, the investigating officers managed to track the suspect who lived in the same vicinity with the slain manager.

“In the suspect’s house, the investigating officers recovered some of the stolen items including a TV set, mobile tablet, a cooking gas and blood stained clothes among others,” he said.

Kirui revealed that on further interrogation, the suspect led the officers back to the deceased’s house where they recovered the murder weapons.

“From initial investigations, it’s evident that the two knew each other and that’s how the suspect managed to easily access the victims’ house,” he said.

Meanwhile, a middle-aged man is fighting for his life at the Naivasha Sub-County Hospital after he was attacked by a hippo in the North Lake area.

Lake Naivasha and Oloidien boat owners chairperson Grace Nyambura said cases of hippo attacks on people fishing at the shore were on the rise.

“We have had around ten people killed by hippos since the year began and in the latest case, the victim escaped with a fractured leg and is in hospital,” she said. 

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