Governor Wanga distributes Sh25 million drugs to hospitals

By James Omoro | Jan 11, 2024
Governor Gladys Wanga flags off lorries at Wagwe Health Center in Karachuonyo constituency. [James Omoro, Standard]

Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga's administration has started distributing drugs worth Sh25 million to health facilities.

In the last couple of months, health facilities in the county have been struggling with drug shortages while others have been facing financial challenges.

The governor flagged off lorries during the distribution of the drugs at Wagwe Health Center in Karachuonyo constituency.

The drugs were distributed to health centres and dispensaries in all eight constituencies.

Wanga said the drugs will improve health services in Level Three and Level Two health facilities.

“Level Three and Level Two health facilities cannot generate funds which can purchase drugs. These drugs are going to be distributed to them to combat the shortage of drugs,”  she said.

She promised to prioritise the health sector to ensure residents receive proper medicare.

The governor said health services are a catalyst for economic development.

“My administration has prioritized the health sector by ensuring good services in all our health facilities. The reason is that human health is a key contributor to success in any economic activity or educational programme one is pursuing,” Wanga said.

She warned the county employees against laxity in service delivery.

“I had made an official declaration that people who sleep on the job cannot be accommodated in my government. I am going to work on the complaints raised here to ensure the people of Wagwe get health services as required,” Wanga said.

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