KDF capture major areas in Somalia


The Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) have since liberated 95,000 sqkm – twice the size of Rwanda and Burundi – from Al Shabaab control in Somalia.

Military spokesman Colonel Cyrus Oguna said the large swathes had been freed from the grip of Al Shabaab since October when Operation Linda Nchi began.

"KDF has displaced the Al Shabaab from many landmarks since the start of the operation. The military is controlling 95,000sqkm comprising towns and villages, but we are not boasting or proud of this as this is what is expected of us," said Oguna.

He said the achievement by KDF was unrivalled and unparalleled and called on Kenyans not to look at the cost incurred by Government to sustain the war but the military’s protection of the country in terms of business and security.

"The incursion into Somali was occasioned by a series of incidents that had threatened to bring down the country’s economy and security. The war should not be viewed as a waste of money, but in the context of what KDF has protected," he said.


Oguna, who was speaking on Saturday during the weekly media briefing at Vigilance House, Nairobi, said since the launch of the operation tourists had developed confidence in the country’s security, which had seen an increase in hotel bookings and tourist numbers.

The KDF has liberated El Afe Fafadun, Busar, Inda El, Damasa in the Northern Sector while in the Central sector Dobley, Tabda, Bilisqokani, Hayo, Qatar, Delbio have been captured from the militia group and Southern Sector Ras Kamboni Burqabo and Kulbio.

Kenya hosts over 600,000 Somali refugees at the Daadab and Ifo camps and there have been concern over the security situation and proliferation of arms in the camps.

At the height of Al Shabab reign of terror in Somali the country was receiving 1,000 refugees daily. Oguna disclosed that since the operation begun 10 soldiers have been killed by enemy fire, five in a helicopter mishap while 24 had been injured.