Residents up in arms as stock invade farms

by Francis Ngige

Farmers in Igembe North and South are protesting at the invasion of their land by herders from Isiolo and Samburu.

They also say cattle rustlers have driven some families out of their homes as livestock destroy farms in the area.

The residents say pastoralists from the neighbouring districts have driven herds of cattle and camels into their miraa (khat) farms without their consent.

Mr Stefano N’nthibiru, a resident of Laare, alleged yesterday that camels had destroyed his two-acre miraa farm.

"We have tried to prevent the animals from getting into our farms but that has been in vain. The Government should protect us and ensure our only source of income is not destroyed," said N’nthibiru.

Cattle thieves

He said incidents of cattle rustling are also on the rise.

"Most parts of Ndumuru and Laare are prone to cattle thieves. Hardly a day passes without the rustlers striking," said N’nthibiru.

Another resident, Mr Geoffrey Mugambi, said the locals were at a crossroads since the invasion of the livestock had worsened the already bad food situation.

"The camels and other livestock have not spared anything green and it is a matter of time before the land is left bare. Food crops have also been destroyed," said Mugambi.