
KCB'S 2Jiajiri programme scales up micro-entrepreneurial knowledge in counties


The KCB Foundation 2Jiajiri Program continues to empower youth to grow their businesses by scaling up micro-entrepreneurial knowledge through scholarships to qualified applicants among grassroots populations in the counties.

The opportunity has enabled youth to access quality vocational training that matches their skills to industry needs, bolstering their grassroots ventures to the formal sector.

Peter Kea is the CEO of Seven Fields Limited, an agricultural start-up focused on horticultural production. The 28-year-old farmer in Kajiado County within the Oloitoktok area says the KCB Foundation 2Jiajiri Program sharpened his Marketing, accounting, and record-keeping skills and opened his mind to the limitless opportunities in farming.

“I had not imagined farming as a career, the programme opened my mind to new possibilities” said Kea.

Narrating his ordeal when he got into farming, the participant, who trained in hydroponics and horticulture at Mirama Institute in Kwale County, says he has succeeded in purchasing his own piece of land and hopes to grow over 30 acres of onions this year.

“I started by leasing one acre of land in Kwale where I planted watermelons. They were swept by floods one week before harvesting” He explained.

“My second attempt was successful, I went back and leased five acres and continued growing. Currently, I have 20 acres under irrigation.  I have also purchased 59 acres of land” He continued.

The 2Jiajiri Programme, run by the KCB Foundation, is a well-known initiative empowering Kenyan youth economically. Kea, a 2019 graduate of the programme testified to its success.

“I have employed six permanent employees, and at any given time I have 15 casual workers to help me run the business”. said Kea.

Johnson Murimi Njoki, another programme participant outlined how the initiative helped him gain entrepreneurial skills, enabling him to run his motorcycle spare parts business more efficiently.

“I thank KCB, they could come to my business and spend time with me to make sure I gained useful skills on running a business, customer care, and finance management” Said Murimi.

“I am now able to make savings and account for the money used in the business.” He added.

The 35-year-old Murimi, who had earlier dropped out of a vocational training institute due to lack of school fees was also sponsored to a six months-long course on motor vehicle mechanics, enabling him to attain a certificate.

By offering full scholarships to qualified applicants, 2Jiajiri provides access to quality vocational training that promotes skill development and entrepreneurial potential.

Graduates of this program gain market-ready skills and hands-on experience, equipping them to enter the job market or start their businesses.