Kenyan men must stop whining and put on their big boy pants

I look at Kenyan men and I know for sure that these are not the same men God put in this world to hunt and gather for us. These are not the same men that used to kill lions to win their brides. These ones are fickle. Their masculinity is made of paper straws. If they were sent out to set traps the first thing they would ask each other is, "Where are the feminists?" because they are chronic whiners.

They were raised with patriarchal notions of what a woman should be and they just cannot believe that women are out here fucking and increasing body counts with the same intensity as them and defying the patriarchy in ways their mothers never did. They want us to be their mothers so bad such that it feels like a form of oppression to them when we are not replicas of what their mothers were, so they spend too much time on social media whining incessantly like lost puppies, believing they can guilt trip us into becoming what they expect us to be.

I don't blame them entirely. Masculinity propaganda is such a hit on the internet and its way of reclaiming masculinity is encouraging a toxic "victim" mentality among angry young men who have not yet developed a sense of self. These young men associate masculinity with control and masculinity figures on the internet reaffirm that belief. Free women are a threat to that illusion, and everything else that makes them feel manly, so they whine about the non-conforming modern woman in the morning to make her toe the line, and then they whine about her inability to cook later in the day.

Instead of learning how to pray they come on social media to whine on behalf of the next generation that will not be lucky enough to have prayerful mothers. They go out clubbing over the weekend, and they come back on social media the following day to whine about the drinking habits of the modern woman. "Nairobi women drink like men," they say to each other before they start whining again about feminists and how they are ruining the social fabric of society.
All over the world, women are defying cultural norms. Women are fighting for financial independence everywhere in the world because it is the only way they can truly be comfortable and free. In every city in the world women of all ages are flooding the job market, running for political seats, starting businesses and breaking glass ceilings in previously male-dominated fields.

Women are coming to terms with the new world order and all over the world they work to provide financially in their homes and in some cases they are the sole breadwinners. Infact, most households cannot survive on one income only. Women are redefining womanhood and men are just whining on the internet because they have been unable to catch up. Whining is not a solution and it will not change the reality of life. What will change the reality of life is men redefining their masculinity in a way that does not co-opt the traditional way of living because we are never going back there.

Instead of whining, Kenyan men must learn new ways of existing with women. First, they must understand that they also belong in the kitchen and in laundry basins. Financial equality comes with domestic equality. Secondly, they need to get over their obsession with leading and be comfortable with walking beside the woman they have chosen to be with as equal partners. A relationship between two people does not need hierarchies. If you want to be a head you should be running for president, not getting into a marriage. If you are obsessed with leading you should not be looking for a woman to lead. The men who want to be leaders are on the ballot paper waiting for August 9.
Anything else is just an illusion borne out of being lied to that you are the superior gender for far too long.

They will have to put the patriarchy down or perish whining about something that is sustained by that which they don't have - resources.
To be a patriarch you need patriarchy money. You cannot sustain a system like that with just entitlement and male tears.
- [email protected]