Sexy night out

Thank God it’s Friday so goes the song, it’s not only time to party but also to look the part, writes CRYSTAL OKUSA

It is Friday night, the closet doors are wide open, clothes lie in heaps on the bed, but you still do not know what to wear for the club. Or it has been a while since you painted the town in lipsticks and you don’t seem to know what fashion kicks for the club anymore.

Here are a few tips to help you out tonight!

Of importance is the purpose of the night out, venue and your fashion personality.

Be confident in what you wear and make it your personal style. The most important aspect of the night is that you look confident and fit into the part. Remember club outfits are easily noticeable if they are sparkling or have a shimmering effect. If you are trying to attract male attention then stay away from deep, bold colours like red and purples, they can be considered too powerful and intimidating. Opt for softer colours that are more feminine like pinks. Just about anything sexy goes for the club depending on what you want to portray.

Clubs are hot; so avoid clothes that cover your whole body to the wrists, high neck and even ankles.


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