Pinstriped suit for you

By Nemuel mutinda

Most people associate the pinstriped suit with a serious business executive look. For years it was the preserve of lawyers or bankers. This perception was understandable because the look was popularised by former Attorney General Charles Njonjo. The man, who became a style icon during his heydays, would turn up at public functions in stunning designer pinstripe suits that left many wanting to emulate him. However, many men shied away because they thought they were not ‘professionally qualified’ to wear pinstriped suits because they were not executives. Were they right? The following are Frequently Asked Questions about pinstriped suits and the expert opinions of fashion consultants.

Widely spaced pinstripes looks better on taller people/courtesy Pretty Beauty Spot. Photo: Martin Mukangu/Standard

Q. Should pinstriped suits be worn only at business meetings?

A. Not anymore. Fashion boundaries are breaking down and, interestingly, pinstripes can even be worn to evening dinner parties these days. The rules have been relaxed to allow men to wear pinstriped suits to less formal functions.

Q. Should the pinstriped suit always be worn in three pieces?

A. No. Even two pieces are adequate. It depends on your ability to match the trousers with other items of clothing.

Q. Are pinstriped suits always bought ready made or can a tailor make them?

A. The best suits are cut and stitched for the person by a highly qualified tailor. Most shops stock ready-made suits, but you have to be careful not to pick the wrong size. However, when you choose to have one made, ensure the material is selected carefully and that the workmanship is excellent.

Q. Should the pinstripes be closely or widely spaced?

A. Since both designs are available, it would be advisable for one to suit their taste.

As a general guideline, however, wide spaced blend well with taller people while close spaced pinstripes look good with shorter people. Designers categorise men’s body types into four: lanky, stout, broad-waisted and narrow-hipped. These concepts, even though do not exhaust men’s shapes, help the designers to focus when developing clothes for mass distribution. So, short and stout are suited to closely spaced pinstripes, which make them look taller, leaner and more elegant. Lanky men should go for the wider spaced pinstripes.

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