Lessons in my life
These days, all we have to do is look at her funny and she’s flung herself on the ground, thrashing her legs this way and that way, squealing like a lamb on its way to the naughty chair.
By Phoebe Jay 8 years ago
Lessons in my life
Streams of milk but no honey
The world as I have known it has come to an end. Where peace once flowed like a river, there are now streams of milk.
By Phoebe Jay 8 years ago
Streams of milk but no honey
Baby speaks language of my heart
A friend asked me what language Adoti communicates in.
By Phoebe Jay 8 years ago
Baby speaks language of my heart
My baby is a tough client
Week after week I moan and groan about how the girl-child is running me ragged, turning my home into a madhouse and generally causing a ruckus.
By Phoebe Jay 8 years ago
My baby is a tough client
Baby realises she needs me
So. It seems that my sassy, lil’ Miss Independent has realised that for the first nine months of her life, she was literally tethered to her Ma’ by way of an umbilical cord.
By Phoebe Jay 8 years ago
Baby realises she needs me
Baby and I need middle ground
She does not have all her words yet, but communication is not something she grapples with.
By Phoebe Jay 8 years ago
Baby and I need middle ground
Toddler keeps us on our toes
There's never a dull moment at our house.
By Phoebe Jay 8 years ago
Toddler keeps us on our toes
Yummy Mummy: Mama will win this war
This child has me by the you-know-whats, you think to yourself. She is the boss of me.
By Phoebe Jay 8 years ago
Yummy Mummy: Mama will win this war
The enduring joy of motherhood
Oh Dear Mother of God. Pray for me now in the hour of my need. My child wants to kill me.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
The enduring joy of motherhood
Black mornings made beautiful
Life can be tough. I wake up some mornings to find that there is literally nothing to smile about. The kind of mornings when the alarm goes off but only the birds hear it, meaning that the day is off to a late start even before you realise that the power is out.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
Black mornings made beautiful
An ode to Adoti's cousin
I have known him since he was in vitro. At the time, no one knew he was a baby boy.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
An ode to Adoti's cousin
Baby is proudly Kenyan
My daughter’s favourite new word is “Ha-yaa!!” She says it all the time.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
Baby is proudly Kenyan
The art of disciplining a baby
Of late, it has been somewhat of a challenge getting Adoti to do as she is told. At fourteen months, she is convinced that she can make her own decisions and do as she pleases.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
The art of disciplining a baby
Do all roads lead to heaven?
I remember laughing at a friend when she told me her one-year old daughter spoke Chinese, in other words, a language she did not understand.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
Do all roads lead to heaven?
Baby will have her way
People often come down on me for claiming that there is a “gay agenda” that seeks to create a homosexual frame of reference when discussing any issue on the global stage.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
Baby will have her way
Mums are forever
I am feeling sorry for my kid. No, she is not a baby goat, or any type of farm animal, even though she does squeal like a little piglet from time to time.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
Mums are forever
Toddler’s Rules of Possession
Last week was a winter of our discontent. Yes, just the one, for I’m sure there are more to come. I know there will be sunshine as well as rain, but Adoti and I can do sunshine.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
Toddler’s Rules of Possession
Children are God’s messengers
I took comfort in the knowledge that children are God’s messengers bearing the eternal gifts of love and light — and for that I will be forever thankful.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
Children are God’s messengers
One girl, one year, many lessons
It has been one year since Mademoiselle Adoti made her grand entry into this world, sucking on her finger and acting like she was down with the whole birth thing.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
One girl, one year, many lessons
I can’t come between Adoti and her friend
They are two healthy, happy kids who are still living in a world untouched by darkness and all the ills that thrive in the shadows.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
I can’t come between Adoti and her friend
Is it too early to get scared?
But with this 'digitalisation' has come a plethora of modern-day challenges, not the least of which is addiction to both drugs and alcohol.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
Is it too early to get scared?
It is tough to keep up with this toddler
It has been a peaceful week. We have a new nanny and so far, things are going well. Adoti has warmed up to her and the two of them get up to all kinds of mischief together.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
It is tough to keep up with this toddler
Stay-at-home mothers are the best
First order of business: If you are a mum who stays home with her kids, I salute you. No, really. Sincerely. Stay-at-home mums? You rock. It is not for nothing that they call it the hardest job in the world.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
Stay-at-home mothers are the best
Our teething problems are unique
There is witch in Russian folklore. An old, haggard, often toothless (or tooth-challenged) woman who appears in many a fairy tale, scaring children witless.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
Our teething problems are unique
Breast milk is universal cure
There was blood. A lot of it.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
Breast milk is universal cure
When The Dot goes full circle...
From newborn, to infant to toddler and back again, it might be time to call baby a name other than that which denotes the current stage of her development.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
When The Dot goes full circle...
Baby is not a toddler but she sure acts it
We are 8! It has been eight months since the child was born.
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
Baby is not a toddler but she sure acts it
Baby’s decision cannot be contested
There’s a style of child rearing called attachment parenting. According to Attachment Parenting International, an organisation with the self-proclaimed mission to nurture children for a compassionate world, AP is “an application of sensitive, responsive parenting...based in the practice of nurturing parenting methods that create strong emotional bonds, also known as secure attachment, between children and their parent(s).”
By Phoebe Jay 9 years ago
Baby’s decision cannot be contested
Keeping up with baby is no joke
Kuzaa si kazi. That is what they say.
By Phoebe Jay 10 years ago
Keeping up with baby is no joke
I have been touched by an angel
Christmas is especially memorable for me this year because unto to me a child was given.
By Phoebe Jay 10 years ago
I have been touched by an angel
Her dress, my choice
Mama’s at the ‘dressing up’ stage and baby’s not having any of it.
By Phoebe Jay 10 years ago
Her dress, my choice
My baby the entertainer
My tongue is usually wedged firmly in my cheek when I speak about enrolling the child in a performance arts school, becoming a ‘momager ‘and grooming her for fame and fortune.
By Phoebe Jay 10 years ago
My baby the entertainer
There is a Man in baby's life
Much as we might want to believe that sperm and bank accounts are all a woman needs, that is not the case.
By Phoebe Jay 10 years ago
There is a Man in baby's life
Yippee, it is a win-wean situation
I never thought I would ever have something in common with a politician but it would appear that myself and a certain senator might have a shared experience — we have both been frozen by people who refuse to listen to reason.
By Phoebe Jay 10 years ago
Yippee, it is a win-wean situation
Mum is the passenger in baby’s travels
My mum used to say that a mother is her child’s first God.
By By Phoebe Jay 10 years ago
Mum is the passenger in baby’s travels
Baby is the shrieking beauty
The child is going to be a star. You can take that to the piggy bank.
By Phoebe Jay 10 years ago
Baby is the shrieking beauty
Adventures of bathing the baby
PHOEBE JAY will soon have a toddler since baby has not only began to sit, but puts her nose in everyone’s business and causes a ruckus when stopped from splashing water at bath time
By Phoebe Jay 10 years ago
Adventures of bathing the baby
Crying like a baby — with the baby
When you are preggers, you hear a lot of things. Naturally, all you really want to know is what giving birth is like. How painful is it? How long does it last?
By Phoebe Jay 10 years ago
Crying like a baby — with the baby
Kenya must ratify convention against enforced abductions
By Vincent Ndege Maosa
4 hrs ago
Wandayi playing favourites with our resources
By Beauttah Omanga
4 hrs ago
With Kenya at crossroads, will Ruto's song and dance change?
By Barrack Muluka
4 hrs ago
We are a nation of shoddy work, shady deals
By Mutahi Mureithi
4 hrs ago