Day care centres breeding little monsters
You send your child to day care centres within your neighbourhood hoping he will not only learn better people skills, but will be kept out of harm’s way.
By Peter Orengo and Benjamin Obegi 10 years ago
Day care centres breeding little monsters
Vulnerable cancer patients exploited
The government and local cancer care providers are to blame for the high cost of cancer treatment in the country, health experts have said.
By Peter Orengo 10 years ago
Vulnerable cancer patients exploited
Serial poacher surrenders to avoid life sentence
Apoacher in the world-renowned Lewa Downs Conservancy last week gave himself up to the authorities in Isiolo County.
By By PETER ORENGO 11 years ago
Serial poacher  surrenders to avoid life sentence
Beach hotels poisoning our seas with raw sewage
Taking an early morning walk along the scenic stretch of Mombasa’s Jomo Kenyatta Public Beach can be quite a refreshing way to start the day. But not when you encounter remnants of sewage sludge along this blissful beach that hundreds of tourists throng to each day.
By By PETER ORENGO 11 years ago
Beach hotels poisoning our seas with raw sewage
Early schooling will harm your child
Children under the age of five who are carted off to school at dawn every morning are not just exposed to life-long asthma, they also face a shortened life span associated with diseases they encounter.
By Peter Orengo 11 years ago
Early schooling will harm your child
Children in Siaya join campaign to fight HIV/Aids
Children in Western Kenya have joined in the fight against HIV after it emerged that the disease is still spreading rapidly despite several interventions by government and various organisations in the region.
By Peter Orengo 11 years ago
Children in Siaya join campaign to fight HIV/Aids
Kenyan patients being used as guinea pigs by researchers
Thousands of desperate Kenyan patients are being used as guinea pigs in a thriving multibillion-drug industry with some trials contravening the country’s laws and the international drugs-trial protocols.
By By PETER ORENGO 11 years ago
Kenyan patients being used as guinea pigs by researchers
Access to contraception could be expanded
Global leaders have analysed the progress and announced new commitments toward expanding contraceptive access for women in developing countries.
By Peter Orengo 11 years ago
Access to contraception could be expanded
Cell discovery makes prostate cure possible
Researchers say they have identified a sub-group of cells that could contribute to prostate cancer recurrence, opening up new ways to treat the disease, which has emerged as a top killer of men over 40 in Kenya.
By Peter Orengo 11 years ago
Cell discovery makes prostate cure possible
Cell discovery makes prostate cure possible
Researchers say they have identified a sub-group of cells that could contribute to prostate cancer recurrence, opening up new ways to treat the disease, which has emerged as a top killer of men over 40 in Kenya.
By -PETER ORENGO 11 years ago
Cell discovery makes prostate cure possible
Scholar shows how Africa should adapt to feed itself
Despite billions of shillings being sunk into research projects in agricultural research institutions, there has been very little success in terms of utilised innovation in Africa.
By Peter Orengo 11 years ago
Scholar shows how Africa should adapt to feed itself
Medics use new way to fight heart attacks
Doctors at the Aga Khan University Hospital have for the first time carried out a new procedure that uses sound waves to determine the amount of blood clot in the veins.
By By PETER ORENGO 11 years ago
Medics use new way to fight heart attacks
Medics use new wayto fight heart attacks
Doctors at the Aga Khan University Hospital have for the first time carried out a new procedure that uses sound waves to determine the amount of blood clot in the veins.
By By PETER ORENGO 11 years ago
Medics use new wayto fight heart attacks