Every day foods that help relieve stress
The following are some stress-relieving foods that may be incorporated in your daily meal routine.
By Nimoyo Salim 4 years ago
Every day foods that help relieve stress
Tricks to change a small room to look bigger
There are times when we wish our space could be bigger, or at least look bigger, but we’re limited by factors such as finances or tenant agreements.
By Nimoyo Salim 5 years ago
Tricks to change a small room to look bigger
How to switch up a boring house
When it feels like you want a decor change in your house, you should be able to do this without burning a hole in your pocket.
By Nimoyo Salim 5 years ago
How to switch up a boring house
Pro-democracy group now supports BBI report
The Centre for Multi-party Democracy (CMD) has thrown its weight behind the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report.
By Nimoyo Salim 5 years ago
Pro-democracy group now supports BBI report
Sapit wants fresh team to steer BBI
Sapit has faulted extension of the Building Bridges Initiative taskforce term, saying a new team should have been picked.
By Nimoyo Salim 5 years ago
Sapit wants fresh team to steer BBI
NSE eyes millions from Charity Trading Day
The Nairobi Securities Exchange was optimistic it would raise over Sh7 million in donations during its annual Charity Trading Day on Friday.
By Nimoyo Salim 5 years ago
NSE eyes millions from Charity Trading Day
Posta ditches mail box for mobile addresses
In deal with Safaricom, subscribers will use phone numbers to receive notifications.
By Frankline Sunday and Nimoyo Salim 5 years ago
Posta ditches mail box for mobile addresses
The exciting world of mixed colours
Colours have a psychological effect and can change your mood in a second.
By Nimoyo Salim 5 years ago
The exciting world of mixed colours
New KCC launches sugar-free milk
New Kenya Co-operative Creameries (KCC) yesterday launched lactose-free milk.
By Nimoyo Salim 5 years ago
New KCC launches sugar-free milk
Dar bank ranks top in financial reporting
Tanzania lender CRDB Bank PLC has scooped the overall 2019 Financial Reporting Award.
By Nimoyo Salim 5 years ago
Dar bank ranks top in financial reporting
Bank to finance purchase of agricultural equipment
The financing will be available for customers wishing to buy CASE IH tractors or combine harvesters together with implements.
By Nimoyo Salim 5 years ago
Bank to finance purchase of agricultural equipment
Big boost for slow learners
Foundation creates a platform where the barriers inhibiting their access to and acquisition of information can be addressed
By Nimoyo Salim 5 years ago
Big boost for slow learners
Why Mosque opened its gates to the public
Open Day was marked with a series of activities including a guided tour of the mosque
By Michael Chepkwony and Nimoyo Salim 5 years ago
Why Mosque opened its gates to the public
“We are innocent,” Junet, Sumra say over ‘inciting remarks’ in Kibra
Through lawyer Otiende Amollo, Junet and Sumra decried what they termed as a prejudiced inquiry on their alleged inflammatory remarks.
By Michael Chepkwony and Nimoyo Salim 5 years ago
“We are innocent,” Junet, Sumra say over ‘inciting remarks’ in Kibra
Small enterprises honoured for social and environmental change
The firms were recognised for attaining the highest environmental, community, customer, worker and overall impact.
By Nimoyo Salim and Michael Chepkwony 5 years ago
Small enterprises honoured for social and environmental change
Mandatory soil test looms for developers before construction
Real Estate
By Graham Kajilwa
5 hrs ago
Uproar over company to collect city garbage
By Pkemoi Ng’enoh
5 hrs ago
Court clears way for new varsity funding model
By Lewis Nyaundi
5 hrs ago