Kenchic and French firm launch new Gumboro vaccination
The chicks are vaccinated at the hatchery by a professional team and an adapted equipment. Caused by a virus, Gumboro kills more than 80 per cent of non-vaccinated birds during an outbreak.
By Misheck Mwangi 8 years ago
Kenchic and French firm launch new Gumboro vaccination
More yields as Kerio Valley farmers get high quality seeds
High quality seeds of green grams, millet, sorghum and groundnuts released by the International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) to over 300 farmers in Kerio Valley have boosted yields and earnings in the last one year.
By Misheck Mwangi 8 years ago
More yields as Kerio Valley farmers get high quality seeds
Your cassava peel can make nutritious livestock feed
The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in collaboration with its partners has developed a technology to turn fresh cassava peel into high quality livestock feed rich in nutrients.
By Misheck Mwangi 8 years ago
Your cassava peel can make nutritious livestock feed
Kenchic launches new Gumboro vaccination technique
Kenchic, a poultry producer has launched a new vaccine against Gumboro disease. The new vaccine which is administered subcutaneously – under the skin — has been introduced for day-old broiler chicks.
By Misheck Mwangi 8 years ago
Kenchic launches new Gumboro vaccination technique
Agri body to develop drought tolerant maize varieties
A maize research body has launched a project to curb devastating effects of the environment on crop production in Sub-Saharan Africa.
By Misheck Mwangi 8 years ago
Agri body to develop drought tolerant maize varieties
How to spot, manage and treat foot rot disease in your flock
“I noticed each of the affected animals had a swollen hoof and were only walking on three feet. Owing to the excruciating pain and discomfort, the animals were experiencing, feeding became a problem,” Irungu says.
By Misheck Mwangi 9 years ago
How to spot, manage and treat foot rot disease in your flock
Leaves from a local shrub can help boost soil fertility
Leaves from a local shrub-commonly found by the roadsides can help boost soil fertility, research from the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) indicates.
By Misheck Mwangi 9 years ago
Leaves from a local shrub can help boost soil fertility
How Kenyan schools are making agriculture enticing to youth
Over the recent years, agriculture has increasingly lost its allure among school going students. Large numbers of students — especially those in rural areas — would want to leave the village and head to the cities after school.
By Misheck Mwangi 9 years ago
How Kenyan schools are making agriculture enticing to youth
Why humans are equally at risk over increased use of antibiotics in livestock systems
Increased use of antimicrobial drugs in livestock systems will adversely affect poor farmers in developing countries, researchers at the Nairobi based International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) now warn.
By Misheck Mwangi 9 years ago
Why humans are equally at risk over increased use of antibiotics in livestock systems
Innovator finds new use for boda bodas
Farm Link Africa, a Kenyan firm, has developed a motorcycle-operated water pump that can be used for smallholder irrigation
By Misheck Mwangi 10 years ago
Innovator finds new use for boda bodas
Mutton demand: Farmers net Sh25,000 per head for high-yielding sheep variety
There is a growing demand for mutton as the tastes of Kenya’s growing urban population become more diverse. As a result, the Dorper sheep has become an animal of choice for ranchers, breeders and abattoir operators.
By Misheck Mwangi 10 years ago
Mutton demand: Farmers net Sh25,000 per head for high-yielding sheep variety
Brazilian firm eyes local market with new grain silo
A Brazilian firm, Kepler Weber, has introduced a 6.2 tonne capacity silo into the Kenyan market suitable for rural farmers and small sized commercial farms.
By Misheck Mwangi 10 years ago
Brazilian firm eyes local market with new grain silo
How mix of livestock and crops on small farms will feed world
While governments and researchers look to high-potential farmlands and single-commodity farming systems to alleviate world hunger, a report says mixing crop and livestock farming is the better way to go.
By Misheck Mwangi 10 years ago
How mix of livestock and crops on small farms will feed world
New markets for passion fruit farmers
Very often, fruit and vegetable farmers in the country have to grapple with greedy middlemen to market their produce.
By Misheck Mwangi 10 years ago
New markets for passion fruit farmers
Student unveils software that cuts fruit losses by 45pc
A University of Nairobi (UON) post-graduate student has come up with a fruit quality assessing software that uses remote sensing to ascertain the extent of ripeness in tomatoes, oranges, mangoes and other fruits.
By By Misheck Mwangi 10 years ago
Student unveils software that cuts fruit losses by 45pc
Teacher rakes in Sh40,000 monthly from dairy farming
Within a decade, Simon Mukunu has bred and then reared a herd of seven Friesian cows. They bring him an average of 100 litres of milk daily but his dreams and aspirations go further than this.
By Misheck Mwangi 10 years ago
Teacher rakes in Sh40,000 monthly  from dairy farming
From salt to kidney failure: The foods putting you at risk
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Todonyang locals get fishing gear as they pick the pieces
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