Stripping incident demonstrates some of us are too small-minded
My sympathy goes out to the ladies who have been stripped; ladies it is not your fault that you were stripped. It has nothing to do with what you were wearing or not wearing.
By Judy Thongori 9 years ago
Stripping incident demonstrates some of us are too small-minded
We must change our dispute resolution processes
Politicians are at it again; apparently they want to file a case in Court seeking to have some 67 laws declared unconstitutional because they were passed without the input of the Senate.
By Judy Thongori 9 years ago
We must change our dispute resolution processes
Mr Macharia, why are medics unprepared to handle Ebola?
We have been hearing and reading about Ebola in the last few months and instead of going further away from being a serious threat it is has become catastrophic.
By Judy Thongori 9 years ago
Mr Macharia, why are medics unprepared to handle Ebola?
We must play an active role in shaping future generations
The other day, I was just reflecting on how Kenya has changed; other than the superhighways and the skyscrapers defining our landscape, I thought of the unseen things that have really changed.
By Judy Thongori 9 years ago
We must play an active role in shaping future generations
Understand your partner before taking your marriage vows
Listening to radio stations in the morning forces one to critically think about marriage and relationships. Callers to the stations speak openly about the pain and anguish that they experience.
By Judy Thongori 9 years ago
Understand your partner before taking your marriage vows
Why proposed changes to children’s law is timely
We have been reading the media about the Children’s Act amendment Bill that appears to be spearheaded by Homa Bay Town Peter Kaluma.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
Why proposed changes to children’s law is timely
MPs trivialising debate about the family and domestic violence
There has been furore in Parliament over a family-related Bill; the Protection against Domestic Violence Bill.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
MPs trivialising debate about the family and domestic violence
Government departments inept in addressing the land question
There is a new crisis in town. The crisis is who is more culpable for the situation Kenya finds itself.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
Government departments inept in addressing the land question
Can someone please do something to end these sporadic killings?
Murder in the family, screamed the headlines of one of the daily papers on Tuesday July 22, 2014. Murder in Likoni screamed another daily. Murder in the nation, is all that we seem to wake up to in these times. Mr President your people cannot sleep, they cannot function for the fear that has been created.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
Can someone please do something to end these sporadic killings?
DNA tests: Child’s rights override parents privacy concerns
Not so long ago, DNA was not a term in every day conversations. In recent times, however, it is one of the most frequently used scientific terms in the Children's Courts. Simply put and the way we understand it in the Children's Courts, DNA is the test used to establish biological relationships.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
DNA tests: Child’s rights override parents privacy concerns
Prepare your beneficiaries to manage family properties
A lot of attention has been devoted to the written forms of estate planning; Wills, Trusts and Succession cases, among others. That is as it should be.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
Prepare your beneficiaries to manage family properties
Marriage Act does not promote polygamy, it regulates all unions
Since May 20, this year, we have had the Marriage Act in operation. In many recent conversations I have heard of references to polygamy; people saying since the Marriage Act came into force, men are free to marry many wives.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
Marriage Act does not promote polygamy, it regulates all unions
Uhuru must rally Kenyans together in this hour of need
Dear Mr President, our country is in turmoil. We are scared and scarred. Last Sunday I read the papers and felt instantly depressed. Visitors were being pulled out of hotels and some airlines had decided to avoid Kenya until October!
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
Uhuru must rally Kenyans together in this hour of need
The law helps you to protect your children even in death
Friends, gone is the dream that we shall die while dozing off old age in the African sunshine outside our homes.
By By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
The law helps you to protect your children even in death
Prepare a Will and spare your family anguish after you die
Death is part of our daily lives but many of us are still not comfortable planning or discussing what will happen to our properties and our minor children after death.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
Prepare a Will and spare your family anguish after you die
Why governments must strive to reach out to the family
In reaction to last week’s article, a very kind gentleman wrote to me and stated while agreeing with my call to the President and the Deputy President to devolve power and responsibility to families, he wanted to know “how do the authorities meet the family half-way? Perhaps you can expound that in your next article” he said.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
Why governments must strive to reach out to the family
Where does the Kenya family fit into the scheme of things?
I congratulate you on your first anniversary in your respective positions at the helm our beloved Kenya. I am happy to note that you still have the energy and exuberance that you had on the day you named the initial Cabinet Secretaries. On that day you depicted great resolve to take our country forward
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
Where does the Kenya family fit into the scheme of things?
Bravo MPs and the media for keeping family central
Parliament has passed the Marriage Bill and it is now upon the President to determine the way forward. As many people have experienced, matters of marriage in Kenya have been shrouded in vagueness mainly because the rights and responsibilities of persons in marriage have not been clearly set out.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
Bravo MPs and the media for keeping family central
It’s time we turned spotlight on our actual expenditure
Things are thick in government; in the last fortnight, we have been treated to various newspaper headlines on efforts to reduce expenditure. We have seen our leaders take pay cuts and a surge in the commitment to confront corruption. Legislators are busy with proposals on reduction of political seats.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
It’s time we turned spotlight on our actual expenditure
Mr Speaker sir, obeying court orders is not optional at all
This goes to the Speaker and Members of Parliament; Kenyan families have become increasingly concerned that as you engage on whether to obey court orders or not, the nation is slowly sinking into a state of chaos. Two experiences last week have led me towards that conclusion.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
Mr Speaker sir, obeying court orders is not optional at all
The family is at your doorstep Mr President, do something
It has been an interesting week politically and a sad one in some respects. It was the week that we were told that the judicial budget had been reduced and we were reminded that the President had still not appointed the 25 judges to the High Court.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
The family is at your doorstep Mr President, do something
Judiciary must act to ensure speedy delivery of justice
The need to sort out family conflict quickly cannot be overstated: a family in conflict is confused and loses a lot emotionally, physically and financially.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
Judiciary must act to ensure speedy delivery of justice
It’s time for MPs to review ‘outdated’ marriage laws
Families need you to make and review family laws. You must know that the state of our family laws is unacceptable, Honourable Members. The laws are outdated, conflicting and represent a value system that was imposed on us in the colonial period.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
It’s time for MPs to review ‘outdated’ marriage laws
Need national order? Get it right with family
For many years, many of us looked forward to having a new Constitution with bated breath. We expected that it would cure so much that is wrong with our society. We hoped that the government would be more efficient, more responsive and even accessible.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
Need national order? Get it right with family
Seek God’s kingdom first, family stability second
Many of us may not remember that in our Constitution at Article 45, we, the people of Kenya agreed that family is the fundamental unit of society and the basis of social order.
By Judy Thongori 10 years ago
Seek God’s kingdom first, family stability second
Duale challenges Ruto allies to respect presidency as Gachagua hits back
By Nikko Tanui and Amos Kiarie
9 mins ago
Trial or error? Why Rutonomics falls short of Kenyans' expectations
By Brian Ngugi and Macharia Kamau
9 mins ago
Court orders Rubis to pay fired boss of oil firm Kobil Sh34.6m
By Frankline Sunday
9 mins ago
Ruto seals remote jobs deal with German firms
By Nzau Musau
9 mins ago
Revealed: Endarasha school dorm had bed bugs
By Kibata Kihu
9 mins ago
Raila has exposed himself through the 'handshake'
By Washington Osiro
9 mins ago