How much fruits and vegetables is too much?
They also provide the body with anti-oxidants and phytonutrients, which are compounds prevent diseases
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 5 years ago
How much fruits and vegetables is too much?
When it comes to veggies, go for a riot of colours
Brightly and deep coloured or rainbow coloured fruits and vegetables are often the best sources of phytonutrients.
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 5 years ago
When it comes to veggies, go for a riot of colours
Are eggs really the devil?
What about cholesterol?
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 5 years ago
Are eggs really the devil?
Healthy eating during Ramadan
The following tips can help you eat healthy and keep extra kilos at bay
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 5 years ago
Healthy eating during Ramadan
Why you shouldn’t ignore heart burns
If you experience mild acid reflux at least twice a week or moderate to severe acid reflux at least once a week, you are most likely suffering from ga
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 5 years ago
Why you shouldn’t ignore heart burns
Can’t quit red meat? Make it healthier
A number of health problems including heart diseases, some types of cancer and Type II diabetes are linked to excessive consumption of red meat, with
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 5 years ago
Can’t quit red meat? Make it healthier
Flour you use to make ugali matters
The maize grain is made up of three parts; the pericarp/bran, endosperm and the germ. The bran, which is the outer protective layer contains approxima
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 5 years ago
Flour you use to make ugali matters
No need to worry about eating wheat
Despite the obvious benefits, wheat has been blamed for many health conditions including excessive weight gain, digestive health problems.
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
No need to worry about eating wheat
To detox or not to detox?
From the air we breathe, the food we eat, the products we use on our bodies to the products we use in our homes.
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
To detox or not to detox?
Eating too fast may be ruining your health
You do not chew it properly which interferes with mechanical digestion.
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
Eating too fast may be ruining your health
How your diet affects your hormones
A diet high in fibre is especially important for protecting gut health
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
How your diet affects your hormones
Bring back pumpkins to the menu
Pumpkins are a rich source of magnesium, potassium, dietary fibre and heart healthy fats.
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
Bring back pumpkins to the menu
Keep digestive problems at bay
Foods that cause digestive problems
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
Keep digestive problems at bay
Healthy liver, disease-free life
The liver is the largest organ inside your body with over 500 essential functions.
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
Healthy liver, disease-free life
Why the Ketogenic and Atkins diet are a bad idea…
Low carbohydrate diets like Ketogenic and The Atkins diets have gained popularity because of their ability to induce short term weight loss.
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
Why the Ketogenic and Atkins diet are a bad idea…
Think these foods are healthy? Think again
Many people will believe a manufacturer’s claims over the real nutritional value of such foods.
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
Think these foods are healthy? Think again
Why you should resist salt shaker
Due to various sources of sodium in the diet, most people consume more than double the recommended amounts.
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
Why you should resist salt shaker
Food makers tricks that up your daily sugar intake
Even though you aren’t pouring tonnes of sugar into your body, how could you be consuming more than you need?
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
Food makers tricks that up your daily sugar intake
Reduce chances of prostate cancer by simple diet tweaks
In Kenya, cancer is the third highest cause of deaths with an estimated 39,000 new cases every year. Prostate cancer takes the lead among men.
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
Reduce chances of prostate cancer by simple diet tweaks
6 foods to have when nauseous
occur as a symptom of an underlying health condition like an infection, food poisoning or chronic illness.
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
6 foods to have when nauseous
Link between sugar and mental illnesses
We all know how diet affects your physical health, but did you know that it can have lasting effects on your mental health too?
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
Link between sugar and mental illnesses
6 mistakes made when handling food
Fruits and vegetables are the cornerstone of a healthy diet. But depending on how they are picked, stored and prepared, they could end up with altered
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
6 mistakes made when handling food
Six myths about supplements
Kenyans are becoming increasingly focused on wellness, a fact that has seen many of us get curious about nutrition and fitness and by extension pay mo
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
Six myths about supplements
Thin and spare hair? Check your diet
Hair is not a vital organ or tissue so the body doesn’t prioritise its nutrient needs. Because of this hair health generally suffers the most in times
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
Thin and spare hair? Check your diet
Constipation can be a sign of colon cancer
As a result, most of these conditions go unnoticed, are viewed as normal and most people will self-medicate with over-the-counter drugs.
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
Constipation can be a sign of colon cancer
Why you should cut out plastic utensils
Common fast foods like burgers and meaty sandwiches were linked to higher phthalates but only if purchased out, not home-made..
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 6 years ago
Why you should cut out plastic utensils
When it comes to food, colour is money
Colour and a person’s mind are inexplicably linked. Colour is an important aspect of human life that taps into our emotions in many ways
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 7 years ago
When it comes to food, colour is money
Help children develop positive attitude towards healthy food
The thing is, children can form positive or negative food associations depending on their experience with that biting.
By Faith Kariuki Biongo 9 years ago
Help children develop positive attitude towards healthy food
Nanyuki's real estate boom attracts new investors
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How Kuscco board pocketed Sh18m for site visits to housing project
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Sh100,000 fine for pension admins in RBA changes
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Epra's new price policy fuels pain of consumers
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TUK tutors' strike hits 50 days as talks collapse
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