Senate sealed Wambora’s fate but he may not be out just yet
One of the dramatic moments of political history that comes to mind is the impeachment of Andrew Johnson in 1868. Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Abraham Lincoln as American President upon the latter’s assassination, was accused of abuse of office and violation of the Constitution arising from his decision to sack his Minister of War due to policy differences.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
Senate sealed Wambora’s fate but he may not be out just yet
Lessons in internal democracy from Law Society of Kenya polls
Six months ago, when newly re-elected Law Society of Kenya (LSK) chairman Eric Mutua informed me of his intention to run for a second term, my first reaction was surprise. I had not been aware, until then, that the law actually allowed a chairman to seek re-election after doing his traditional two-year term.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
Lessons in internal democracy from Law Society of Kenya polls
Why LSK stands at a critical juncture
Felix Mwaura Gatundu is what one friend would call ‘an advocate non-advocate’. A paradox. An oxymoron. This week Felix highlighted what is wrong with the ongoing Law Society of Kenya (LSK) election campaigns.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
Why LSK stands at a critical juncture
State dropped the ball on mega railway project
A probe, according to the dictionary definition, is a long thin instrument used to conduct an intrusive search. As a verb, to probe means to search or examine intrusively.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
State dropped the ball on mega railway project
Nations are free to decide legislative approach to gayism
When British lawmaker John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) penned his influential work, “On Liberty” (1859), he probably did not foresee how far the application of his philosophy would take the modern world. Mill was the son of a Scottish philosopher.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
Nations are free to decide legislative approach to gayism
LSK needs servant leader who’ll drive members agenda
About the turn of the century, I attended two job interviews. One was in a leading audit firm and the other in a respected law firm.
By By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
LSK needs servant leader who’ll drive members agenda
To drive growth, we cannot afford ‘to sock the rich’
Sometime in the 19th Century, somewhere in Europe, a busy town was separated from a poorer residential quarter by a river crossed by a footbridge built by the town authorities. Any person crossing the footbridge had to pay some money, say ten shillings, to cross one way or the other.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
To drive growth, we cannot afford ‘to sock the rich’
Why I would give Kenya grade B minus for this year
Wisdom is one of the greatest virtues in theology. St Bonaventure notably warned against, reading without repentance, knowledge without devotion, research without wonder, prudence without joy, work without piety, learning without love, intelligence without humility, study without grace and thought without wisdom.
By By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
Why I would give Kenya grade B minus for this year
Legislative autonomy extends to court orders, this is why
Probably the most important judgment of 2013 is October’s appeal decision in Joseph Mwaura v Republic.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
Legislative autonomy extends to court orders, this is why
All these bravado, false humility will only hurt us
Soon after high school, I got into the habit of visiting a basketball court for casual Sunday sport. I was rather below the average height on the court, and though shorter players typically make good dribblers, the height disadvantage at the board easily resulted in an inferiority complex.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
All these bravado, false humility will only hurt us
Resist the apparent push by the West for gay rights
Inevitable’ is the fallacy of the intellectually dishonest. Or maybe it is the refuge of the intellectually lazy. Or sometimes the destination of false pragmatists.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
Resist the apparent push by the West for gay rights
Blaming our failures on population size is escapist
If you only have a hammer, so the saying goes, every problem looks like a nail. Every crisis appears in need of a hammer.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
Blaming our failures on population size is escapist
ICC deferral or default: The writing is on the wall
In a 2008 Hollywood movie, 21, Kevin Spacey acts as a brilliant lecturer teaching some students how to make loads of money playing Blackjack in the casino. Early in the movie, Spacey asks his “non-linear equations” class a question, which he calls the “game-show host” problem.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
ICC deferral or default: The writing is on the wall
Parliament must exercise oversight role over JSC
In May 1787, James Madison arrived in Philadelphia for a constitutional convention.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
Parliament must exercise oversight role over JSC
President must abide by the law to win public trust
A story is told of an aggressive businessman who wanted to teach his son a valuable lesson. And so he placed his young son on a cabinet and told him,
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
President must abide by the law to win public trust
Tribute to heroes who emerged from tragic mall attack
Tragedy often brings heroes with it. The greater the crisis, the greater its heroes. And because we yearn for heroes in moments of crisis, some are made heroes while undeserving of the accolade.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
Tribute to heroes who emerged from tragic mall attack
America’s anti-Kyoto stand is Kenya’s anti-ICC position
Unlike the Rome Statute of the ICC, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change has 191 state parties, including all but four UN member states.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
America’s anti-Kyoto stand is Kenya’s anti-ICC position
America’s anti-Kyoto stand is Kenya’s anti-ICC position
Unlike the Rome Statute of the ICC, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change has 191 state parties, including all but four UN member states.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
America’s anti-Kyoto stand is Kenya’s anti-ICC position
There is need to look at other actors in ICC cases
Anyone who works in the legal justice system gets to learn, sooner or later, that even the best judge is unable to attain a high standard of justice unless the other actors in the system have integrity, competence and efficiency.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
There is need to look at other actors in ICC cases
ICC should respect Kenya’s sovereignty as trial kicks off
A regular newspaper columnist can look back and trace their intellectual path on a particular topic over the years. In May 2010, while criticising Kenya’s draft constitution, I noted the danger of introducing international law as a direct source of law in Kenya without Parliamentary input.
By By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
ICC should respect Kenya’s sovereignty as trial kicks off
Parasitic wasps seem to have landed in our courts
Taxonomy, namely the classification of living things, is an area of biology that can be quite boring or extremely exciting, largely dependent on the teacher.
By By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
Parasitic wasps seem to have landed in our courts
Changes to 2010 law must be genuine and necessary
When Kenya’s first Constitution was three years old, it had already undergone significant transformation. Kenya obtained independence as a parliamentary democracy, with the Queen’s appointee, Governor Malcolm Macdonald, as head of state.
By By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
Changes to 2010 law must be genuine and necessary
Without good faith from all Kenyans, devolution will fail
The annual conference of the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) proved to be the intellectual and political centre for the debate on devolution this past week.
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
Without good faith from all Kenyans, devolution will fail
Let’s oppose calls by transgender movement on sexual identity
The LGBTI lobby is a threat to you, your family, your work and your society
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
Let’s oppose calls by transgender movement on sexual identity
US, UK and France should be condemned fuelling Syria war
Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
US, UK and France should be condemned fuelling Syria war
TJRC should have given us more, not the expected
Six years ago, I read a copy of Caroline Elkins’ landmark book Britain’s Gulag
By Charles Kanjama 11 years ago
TJRC should have given us more, not the expected
Jua Kali is Kenya's treasure, who will cash in?
By Richard Muteti
2 hrs ago