Tough questions Uhuru must ask over laptops
The cancellation of the laptops for schools tender over glaring malpractice shifted focus to President Kenyatta and what he might do to address the biggest tender scandal to rock his administration.
By By Standard Team 10 years ago
Tough questions Uhuru must ask over laptops
Branches ready for work boycott
Learning in all public universities will be paralysed Wednesday if lecturers and non-teaching staff make good their threat to down their tools over unpaid arrears.
By By STANDARD TEAM 10 years ago
Branches ready for work boycott
Champions share secrets to success
Some were in hospitals caring for sick relatives. Others were quenching their thirst for knowledge at the library. Some were in classrooms, volunteering as untrained teachers.
By By Standard Team 10 years ago
Champions share secrets to success
Turf wars, legal tussles threaten reforms in key sectors
Difficulty and acrimonious days lie ahead; that is if the current clamour by the Legislature for amendments targeting key aspects of the Constitution promulgated in 2010 – such as devolution – is sustained.
By By Standard Team 10 years ago
Turf wars, legal tussles threaten reforms in key sectors
Alarm as civil servants in counties miss pay
A showdown looms between civil servants and county czars over payment of salaries.
By By STANDARD TEAM 10 years ago
Alarm as civil servants in counties miss pay
Warning as more leaders quit ODM race
An ODM heavyweight has warned that the way aspirants from Luo Nyanza have been elbowed out of leadership positions could haunt the party.
By By STANDARD TEAM 10 years ago
Warning as more leaders quit ODM race
Jostling for power rocks Jubilee in jobs row
The Jubilee administration is locked in what appears to be supremacy struggle as power barons battle over control of key dockets across the new government.
By By STANDARD TEAM 10 years ago
Jostling for power rocks Jubilee in jobs row
Youth unrest blamed on generational war
Followers of slain Islamist Sheikh Aboud Rogo are being blamed for Tuesday’s violence when youths tried to take over the Umar Ibn Al Khattab Mosque in Kisauni.
By By STANDARD TEAM 10 years ago
Youth unrest blamed on generational war
Abducted assistant chief finally released
A cloud of secrecy greeted the release of an assistant chief who had allegedly been in abductor’s hands since Wednesday last week.
By By STANDARD TEAM 10 years ago
Abducted assistant chief finally released
Cortec vows to sue over ‘revoked mining licence’
The fight for the control of rare earths in Kenya is headed for the courts as directors of a mining company vowed to challenge the Government’s revocation of mining licences.
By By STANDARD TEAM 10 years ago
Cortec vows to sue over ‘revoked mining licence’
Governors lobby to gain control of local brew sector
Liquor brewers in Central Kenya should brace themselves for major changes as the Provincial Administration prepares to handover outlet licensing to county governments.
By By STANDARD TEAM 11 years ago
Governors lobby to gain control of local brew sector
Raila barred from accessing airport VIP Lounge
Secretary to the Cabinet Francis Kimemia is once again in the eye of a storm involving former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.
By By Standard Team 11 years ago
Raila barred from accessing airport VIP Lounge
Top politicians fightback on commission's revelations
Top politicians linked to abuses perpetrated by successive regimes came out fighting against a report recommending that they be investigated and possibly prosecuted for various alleged offences.
By By STANDARD TEAM 11 years ago
Top politicians fightback on commission's revelations
County assemblies adjourn in pay protest
County Assemblies in several regions adjourned indefinitely as ward representatives demanded pay rise.
By By Standard Team 11 years ago
County assemblies adjourn in pay protest
Tom Mboya, Gen Z, and the enduring legacy of violence in Kenya
Peter Kimani
By Peter Kimani
4 hrs ago
President's 'last supper' with CSs before axe falls
By Ndung’u Gachane
4 hrs ago
Filthy rich ruling elite vomiting on shoes of poor, hungry citizens
By Ndung’u Gachane
4 hrs ago
You created the current crisis, senators tell National Assembly
By Edwin Nyarangi
4 hrs ago
Auditor General: Sh9b was swindled at NHIF
Health & Science
By Mercy Kahenda
4 hrs ago
Construction of JSS classrooms starts
By Irene Githinji
4 hrs ago