Business ideas to help you thrive in tough economic climate
To survive, you need to think out of the box and come up with innovative business models.
By Paul Kariuki 2 years ago
Business ideas to help you thrive in tough economic climate
Me, employed? Never again, vows make-up artist
Lilian Mutuku decided employment was not for her after just eight months. Now she runs a thriving enterprise, says she does not regret being her own.
By Paul Kariuki 2 years ago
Me, employed? Never again, vows make-up artist
The good, bad and ugly of social media marketing
Social media can be a good place to promote one’s business brand and drive sales.
By Paul Kariuki 2 years ago
The good, bad and ugly of social media marketing
Riding on ‘chamas’ to grow your business
A close look at chamas shows that they have become a way of life for many.
By Paul Kariuki 2 years ago
Riding on ‘chamas’ to grow your business
Business lessons from failed global giants
Startups are increasingly disrupting established businesses, thanks to the ever-evolving technological innovations.
By Paul Kariuki 2 years ago
Business lessons from failed global giants
How to avoid the snare of Christmas impulse buying
Making a shopping list and sticking to it is a good starting point. It is also important not to fall prey to ubiquitous marketing gimmicks.
By Paul Kariuki 2 years ago
How to avoid the snare of Christmas impulse buying
Ways to deal with employee theft
If you have employees working in shifts, it would pay to check on those whose shifts are ending.
By Paul Kariuki 2 years ago
Ways to deal with employee theft
Nyambura’s real estate gamble that’s paid off
Her gamble saw her use her savings to register Diligent Realtors, which is paying off. She says she would never consider employment again.
By Paul Kariuki 2 years ago
Nyambura’s real estate gamble that’s paid off
We had to try something new when Covid-19 struck
The measures by the government to tame the spread of the disease came at a bad time for t
By Paul Kariuki 2 years ago
We had to try something new when Covid-19 struck
Challenges faced when getting started as an entrepreneur
It’s challenging in entrepreneurship and business is not for the faint-hearted. We look at a few of the challenges.
By Paul Kariuki 2 years ago
Challenges faced when getting started as an entrepreneur
Time for a job change? Here are some signs
Let’s look at some signs that tell you’re about to quit that job for another.
By Paul Kariuki 2 years ago
Time for a job change? Here are some signs
Consider this before leaving employment for business
Experts reckon that leaving the comfort of employment should be done in a well-thought-out manner.
By Paul Kariuki 2 years ago
Consider this before leaving employment for business
Business tips from the world’s top brands
Enterprise looks at a few of the famous global and local businesses and shares lessons on their business growth.
By Paul Kariuki 2 years ago
Business tips from the world’s top brands
Readjusting your spending habits to get through the pandemic
In Kenya, more than half of the respondents said their spending on non-essential items has decreased.
By Paul Kariuki 3 years ago
Readjusting your spending habits to get through the pandemic
Beware of that career landmine question
Usually, these potential hires end up underselling their worth as the terms of pay where they're seeking employment may be different.
By Paul Kariuki 3 years ago
Beware of that career landmine question
Why there's more to the ceiling than just beauty
Proper maintenance can prolong the lifespan of a ceiling. Some materials absorb water and will ‘sag’ at the point where there is a leak.
By Paul Kariuki 3 years ago
Why there's more to the ceiling than just beauty
Why investing in a good fence ups your property value
For live fences, keep them well-trimmed. Uncontrolled growth gives them a poor impression.
By Paul Kariuki 3 years ago
Why investing in a good fence ups your property value
I swapped my engineering path for tailoring
After my graduation, just like every other Kenyan youth, I tarmacked looking for employment without success. Nobody wanted to employ a fresh graduate.
By Paul Kariuki 3 years ago
I swapped my engineering path for tailoring
Sly clients almost ruined my business
Always get proper documentation for your business. If you don’t, you may lose so much money trying to get it right.
By Paul Kariuki 3 years ago
Sly clients almost ruined my business
My ‘aha’ moment came while stranded abroad
The startup capital came from my savings and a bank loan.
By Paul Kariuki 3 years ago
My ‘aha’ moment came while stranded abroad
Now developers of gated community homes find new abode in sleepy villages
With more and more town dwellers opting for the peace and quiet of the countryside, these areas gaining prominence in the real estate landscape
By Paul Kariuki 3 years ago
Now developers of gated community homes find new abode in sleepy villages
I regretted leaving my job for business
Many people make the mistake of starting too big and with huge loans which cripple them.
By Paul Kariuki 3 years ago
I regretted leaving my job for business
How you can keep from falling into a debt trap
No matter the little that goes into saving, it can come in handy on a rainy day or address that emergency.
By Paul Kariuki 3 years ago
How you can keep from falling into a debt trap
Pitfalls that small businesses should avoid to stay afloat
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
Pitfalls that small businesses should avoid to stay afloat
Trendy textile firm that is looking at manufacturing pie
It’s time local entrepreneurs are given incentives that will see the country become self-reliant while supporting the Big Four Agenda.
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
Trendy textile firm that is looking at manufacturing pie
How I turned a Sh30,000 gamble into my big break
After a year in operation, the business made a break. I began raking in a profit of Sh600,000 every month, returns that I have sustained to this day.
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
How I turned a Sh30,000 gamble into my big break
The man of many hustles
My mother sold mitumba back in the 80s. And I would help her in the selling. Through her I learnt not to rely on one income.
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
The man of many hustles
23 years in business taught me to be adaptable
Peris was part of the team doing arrangements at the venue where Uganda hosted Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II when she visited in 2006.
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
23 years in business taught me to be adaptable
Of unsolicited advice from the know-it-all kind
It shocks when those who see your sudden humbling down or fall from grace celebrates
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
Of unsolicited advice from the know-it-all kind
Corporate hustler who sells smokies in a suit, earns over Sh3,000 daily
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
Corporate hustler who sells smokies in a suit, earns over Sh3,000 daily
Avoid the pitfalls of marketing your business online
Now that you have opened your business’ social media accounts, what are the things you should be aware of?
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
Avoid the pitfalls of marketing your business online
‘Sole survivor’: A cobbler’s hustle
Like any other work, I face challenges among them delays in customers picking their repaired footwear, bags, purses and other items.
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
‘Sole survivor’: A cobbler’s hustle
I make Sh1,000 daily from motorbikes
I left the employment a year back and have been working as a freelance mechanic since until recently when I began operating from a permanent location.
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
I make Sh1,000 daily from motorbikes
I pocket Sh2,000 daily by roasting maize
Still, maize roasting is what generates the more consistent income for me, and in a good day, I’ll make up to Sh2,000.
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
I pocket Sh2,000 daily by roasting maize
I earn Sh2,000 daily from my hustle
I began life working as a house help. I quit after a few months owing to little pay compared to workload.
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
I earn Sh2,000 daily from my hustle
I make over Sh3,000 daily doing hair
Weekends are busier than weekdays, which can see me shuttling between Nakuru and Kisumu to attend to my clients.
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
I make over Sh3,000 daily doing hair
Making a living pushing his smoking smokies cart through village lanes
When operation costs are factored, I make Sh400 on a good day and Sh300 on a slow one.
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
Making a living pushing his smoking smokies cart through village lanes
Stepping into entrepreneurship as a shoe hawker
A good day nets me about Sh500 and when the sale volume is low, I get as little as Sh300 on a bad day.
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
Stepping into entrepreneurship as a shoe hawker
I make Sh800 a-day selling sausages
I’m better off than when I was employed and content being my own boss.
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
I make Sh800 a-day selling sausages
Disability has not hindered my entrepreneurial spirit
In a good day, I’ll take home Sh700, though there are some days I close the shop without registering a single sale.
By Paul Kariuki 4 years ago
Disability has not hindered my entrepreneurial spirit
What to expect as NHIF paves way for SHA
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Mt Kenya kingpin debate 'confuses' diaspora vote
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State's share sale plan major boon for retail investors
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How RBA plans to double pension assets
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Kenya signs labour migration pact with Germany
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