President Uhuru's foreign trips are bearing more fruits than expected
Indeed, Kenya has demonstrated to the World yet again its growing influence, strong friendships and partnerships with nation's right across the world
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
President Uhuru's foreign trips  are bearing more fruits than expected
Stop rumors about Mwai Kibaki and instead, pray for his quick recovery
Kenyans must learn to shun rumors and relearn a vehement prayer to our former President Mwai Kibaki. It hurts to hear people spreading unconfirmed report about him! The mare fact of him being flown to South Africa for specialized treatment on Sunday, August 22 does not necessarily mean that, he’s extremely off and dead!
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Stop rumors about Mwai Kibaki and instead, pray for his quick recovery
John Kerry’s visit to Kenya in the wake of TICAD is suspect!
To Kerry and US cronies: we know your game! Kindly keep off USA’s archaic schemes to dissolute Kenya’s progressive agenda. It’s not by coincident that USA Secretary of State John Kerry is visiting Kenya at the wake of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD-VI) Summit! His coming is by design and it’s suspicious!
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
John Kerry’s visit to Kenya in the wake of TICAD is suspect!
Mr. President, settle tuition fee quagmire in the approved public-private varsity sponsorship deal
The new deal between government of Kenya and private varsities that will see private varsities admitting government sponsored students is set to flop badly if, tuition fee arithmetic is not adequately settled. Where else the government charges 70,000 ksh for each student in public universities per year, this money is a drop in the ocean to even sustain a student for one trimester in any private university in Kenya!
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Mr. President, settle tuition fee quagmire in the approved public-private varsity sponsorship deal
Press freedom is paramount for societal growth in Kenya
Press freedom is paramount to societal growth and enlightenment. Indeed, freedoms of speech, expression and of the press are essential for people to speak their mind freely on important issues. For a healthy development of a society it is essential for people to speak their minds freely on important issues.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Press freedom is paramount for societal growth in Kenya
Ongata Rongai residents fed up with corrupt traffic police
Ongata Rongai residents in Nairobi are fed up with services rendered by corrupt and hell-bent traffic police assigned to man Magadi road. Enough is enough! Residents and motorists plying magadi road have castigated traffic police officers in Ongata Rongai for their ineptness, corruption and open bribery. These law enforcers have established an extortion ring at strategic points between Bomas of Kenya, Multimedia Univeristy and Maasai lodge junction where they use this points to pay police their ‘dues’ to allow them overtake and reach faster! Upon payment, these notorious matatu za ronga” or otherwise known as “matatu za wire” are therefore free to obstruct and/or overtake aimlessly. The worst still is when in full glare of a police officer/s. These matatu do overlap in full glare of police officers and worse still, they smile and communicate with coded language with conductors and drivers allowing them to perpetrate this evil! It’s now official; each traffic officer on Magadi Road coll
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Ongata Rongai residents fed up with corrupt traffic police
Rogue pastors (tapelis) and rogue congregations (wafuasi) are on the loose in Kenya
Rogue pastors (tapelis) and rogue congregations (wafuasi) are on the loose in Kenya. In fact, mentioning the term church and church leaders in Kenya invoke shivers. This is a naked truth that cannot be denied by anyone.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Rogue pastors (tapelis) and rogue congregations (wafuasi) are on the loose in Kenya
Mr. President, disband NCIC
Mr. President, did you know that peace index is at its worst in your country since introduction of multiparty democracy in Kenya? Apparently, this truth has been brought to fore by none other than NCIC Chairman Francis Ole Kaparo and if his recent confession is true, that Kenya is currently divided at its worst, then, National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) must be disbanded! Reason –It has failed miserably in its core business!
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Mr. President, disband NCIC
Donald Trump’s hate speech towards blacks will cost his presidency
Kenyan politicians risk losing their political clout to what I call Donald Trump’s hate speech mentality!
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
 Donald Trump’s hate speech towards blacks will cost his presidency
Kudos Nkaissery-National security must supersede the voices of refugees
Truth be told, it comes a time when national security and its related interests supersede any other external interest in any given country! The reality of this axiom has just downed into Kenyan soil! The Kenya government through its Interior Cabinet Secretary Hon. Joseph Nkaissary has confirmed the Government’s decision to close down selected refugee camps in Kenya due to “very heavy” economic, security and environmental issues. Those due to close include Dadaab, the largest refugee camp in the world, home to more than 300,000 people on the Kenya-Somalia border. Kenya plans to close all of its refugee camps in a move that would displace more than 600,000 people.
By Dr Njenga Solomon 8 years ago
Kudos Nkaissery-National security must supersede the voices of refugees
The IEBC stalemate is a threat to peace
The un-ending debacle over plans by the opposition CORD to eject IEBC officers from office calls for an an urgent need to have a sober dialogue over the current standoff in the country. While Cord maintains it will continue with its push to have the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission disbanded, the electoral commission chairman Issack Hassan said last week that commissioners he and his fellow commissioners will not resign unless Cord provides evidence that the commission is out to favour Jubilee during 2017 general election. It’s at this point that we call for a sober dialogue that will see law being followed. Indeed, the political atmosphere in Kenya isn’t good at all and this is scaring!
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
The IEBC stalemate is a threat to peace
Uhuru can bring peace and development to this country
President Uhuru Kenyatta has urged leaders to desist from engaging in politics of division and hatred but instead focus on issues that can spur development in the country.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Uhuru can bring peace and development to this country
Governor Kidero is incompetent and unprofessional
Nairobi, the city of God is in ruins! Governor Kidero has made Nairobi metropolis an abomination!
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Governor Kidero is incompetent and unprofessional
Stalemate in South Sudan must be addressed urgently
Juba, South Sudan is on a crossroad! May our good Lord give S. Sudan long lasting peace! Once seen as a White House triumph, the new nation of South Sudan is on the verge of collapse and nearing descending into war and misery.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Stalemate in South Sudan must be addressed urgently
Uhuruto and Raila should stop politics in their prayer rallies
As peace-loving Kenyans, we believe that there is power in prayers and we commend the idea of seeking God in prayer rallies.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Uhuruto and Raila should stop politics in their prayer rallies
Be careful, your Facebook post may land you in jail
Ladies and gentlemen, did you know that your Facebook tag and or post may land you in jail or attract a heavy fine or both?
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Be careful, your Facebook post may land you in jail
Kudos CBK governor for defending Wanjiku
This is painful! How can a common mwananchi pay his tax while entrusted banks to remit the same evade paying? Indeed, the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) has demonstrated its capacity to defend the common mwananchi by reigning over rogue banks. The regulator need to step up the effort and seek ways to weed out shadowy banks and investors who exercise evil control or influence decisions in banks’ lending policies that are not intandem with CBK. Those in violation of the suitability standards, including having a history of fraudulent activities, should face the prospect of forfeiting their banking rights in Kenya and having their shares sold among other penalties to recover monies stolen from innocent depositors whose monies have gone under receivership too!
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Kudos CBK governor for defending Wanjiku
Uhuruto must pursue peace and reconciliation after ICC victory
President Uhuru Kenyatta and the deputy President William Samoei Ruto must now transverse Kenya with a clear message of peace and reconciliation. Truth of the matter is that many victims of post-election violence are still destitute, seeking justice or reparations, and are still suffering from the injuries they sustained during the violence that nearly tore apart Kenya in 2007/8 post-election violence. The victims are still awaiting justice. It is vital that their voices are heard and urgent action is taken. Many of the displaced have yet to be resettled or compensated, many of the injured or the families of those killed have yet to receive reparation to help rebuild their shattered lives and most of the perpetrators have yet to face justice.
By Dr. Njenga Solomon 8 years ago
Uhuruto must pursue peace and reconciliation after ICC victory
Surprising reason why CUE closed some city campuses and left others
‘Matatu’ menace in Nairobi CBD has made Commission for University Education (CUE) to issue hell-bend closure notice to some city center University campuses.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Surprising reason why CUE closed some city campuses and left others
Remove ‘matatus’, ‘chokoras’ and hawkers in Nairobi CBD
Nairobi, popularly known as “Green City in the Sun", has completely been mutilated! The invasion of city streets by beggars, hawkers, ‘chokoras’, ‘bodaboda’ and ‘matatus’ is worrying! More worrying is the inability of the county government of Nairobi to reign over this madness!
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Remove ‘matatus’, ‘chokoras’ and hawkers in Nairobi CBD
Why Nairobi is the most expensive city to live in in Africa
Mr. President, Kenya is like a sick patient who does not look sick from the outside but extremely sick from inside. The rate at which the sickness is increasing Kenya’s high wage bill, unemployment and high cost of living notwithstanding corruption will soon collapse our beloved country.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Why Nairobi is the most expensive city to live in in Africa
Mr. President, address corruption at the state of the nation
Kenya, East Africa’s economic powerhouse is fastly becoming the continent’s newest ‘lootocracy’. Kenya's rampant corruption is eating away at the very fabric of democracy.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Mr. President, address corruption at the state of the nation
Everyone in Mau forest should be evicted
Dear fellow Kenyans, are you aware that President Uhuru Kenyatta through his flimsy cabinet has approved a report to cut off over 17,000 hectares of Mau Forest land?
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Everyone in Mau forest should be evicted
Why there is human wildlife conflict in Nairobi
Nairobi city and its environ is on high alert after several lions have been spotted taking a ‘wild tour’ in the crowded Nairobi city and its environs.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Why there is human wildlife conflict in Nairobi
Kajiado County is benighted in ‘darkness’
Erratic power supply and poor sewer or drainage system in Ongata Rongai, Ngong and Kiserian is curtailing economic growth.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Kajiado County is benighted in ‘darkness’
Migingo menace - Joseph Ole Nkaissery has failed Kenyans
Though Migingo Island is about half the size of a football pitch, it’s a gazetted territory in Nyatike Constituency-Kenya. Migingo is our only Kenyan treasured Island in Lake Victoria and the CS should not ignore this fact. Kenyans will forever blame its government for laxity in defending its territory! Nkaissery should not take this Island for granted. His silence on insecurity of our people in Migingo makes it look like fishermen in Uganda are more powerful than Kenya police, IEBC officers and chiefs! Joseph Kasaine Ole Nkaissery - cabinet Secretary for Internal Security and Coordination of National Government has failed Kenya on Migingo menace!
By Dr. Njenga Solomon 8 years ago
Migingo menace - Joseph Ole Nkaissery has failed Kenyans
Numerous A grades in 2015 KCSE results due to easy exams
The high number of students who score A in our national examinations has continued to rise and the trend is worrying.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Numerous A grades in 2015 KCSE results due to easy exams
Disband KNEC over exam irregularities
The integrity of examinations in Kenya is at risk! Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC), the government’s custodian of examination has seriously failed Kenyans.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Disband KNEC over exam irregularities
Stop the Fraud Conspiracy at Youth Enterprise Development Fund
It is estimated that since 2006, the Youth Fund has been given by the government over Sh 3.5 billion. Unfortunately, the fund officials have embezzled about Sh1.5 billion through fictitious tenderpreneuring and, sometimes, open theft. Conspiracy fraud theory is the in-thing. Corruption is a cancer mutating extremely fast in this state-owned firm. Someone must stop this open corruption at the firm. And if its not working for the interest of Kenyan youths, then it should be disbanded! Is the President sleeping on the job?
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Stop the Fraud Conspiracy at Youth Enterprise Development Fund
Mr President you will lose again in the upcoming by elections
Dear Mr. President- am honestly preparing your for a resounding defeat and humiliation in Malindi and Kericho by-elections. You should have studied the wind and change your modus operandi immediately after the resounding defeat in Kajiado central. I urge you to employ qualified political advisors who should in-turn invest in political mind-game of Kenya citizenry. I wish you can refrain from the ill-advised decisions of creating political vacuum by appointing duly elected legislators into your cabinet. These by elections are unnecessary for you but anyhow, good for Kenya! We thought you learned from Kajiado central and Bomet defeat. In Kajiado central, ODM's Elijah Memusi flooded your preferred JAP candidate Patrick Tutui in the battle to to succeed another ill-advised Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaissery whom you appointed as secretary in your cabinet. This appointment was not warranted for! You should have appointed other qualified people in Kenya like General Karagi among oth
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Mr President you will lose again in the upcoming by elections
IEBC failure on voter education killing voter turnout
Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is under crisis again!
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
IEBC failure on voter education killing voter turnout
Vice Chancellors incompetence to blame for University deaths
Kenyan Universities are slowly becoming death traps and surmounting deaths of innocent university students have been reported
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
 Vice Chancellors incompetence to blame for University deaths
Mr. President, fake academic certificates are choking Kenya’s economy and job market
Dear Mr President, Kenyans are appealing your intervention! We are about to sink! We are about to die! Mr President, you may have heard (in Kenya) of fake doctors, fake preachers, fake policemen, ghost workers and fake money too.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Mr. President, fake academic certificates are choking Kenya’s economy and job market
Kenya’s threat to withdraw from ICC will undermine spirit of international law
The recent attempt by African leaders to withdraw Africa from the Rome Status was not only selfish but also archaic! Indeed, the Rome Status carries with it a lot of many other conjoined efforts to help Nations in the World caution themselves from any extreme eventuality. It’s true that the relations between Kenya and the ICC could not be worse than the current state of affairs.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Kenya’s threat to withdraw from ICC will undermine spirit of international law
Mr. President, the traffic snarl-up in Ongata Rongai is eroding social economic growth
The traffic snarl-up has become a painful feature to commuters and residents of Ongata Rongai and its environs. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and his counterpart William Samoie Ruto have invested heavily in Rongai and its environs and yet, they have been unable to intervene in assisting the disappointed residents by putting pressure to Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) that has disowned any near plans to expand the jam-infested road. This in turn has continued to erode the social economic gains in Ongata Rongai and its environs.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Mr. President, the traffic snarl-up in Ongata Rongai is eroding social economic growth
A trounced democracy in Africa in Uganda's 2016 elections
Democracy has been trounced again by non-other than the newly elect President of President of the People’s Republic of Uganda. International observers and many other political analysts have seen the chaotic experiences that came along with Uganda’s presidential campaigns and have termed this as a “sham”.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
A trounced democracy in Africa in Uganda's 2016 elections
It is a shame that 16 governors snubbed Uhuru led Sagana summit
Sixteen (16) Governors who missed the Sagana are obsolete, immature and guilty of betrayal. Sixteen (16) Governors who were conspicuously missing in the just concluded Fifth National and County Government Coordinating summit 2016 that was held in Sagana, Nyeri need to be put on the list of shame for the Kenyan public to see! The summit was attended by among others President Kenyatta and a national government team including Deputy President William Ruto, Cabinet Secretaries, Principal Secretaries and senior advisers. In their absence, important issues on devolution and budget allocation at the count level were reached.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
It is a shame that 16 governors snubbed Uhuru led Sagana summit
African leaders are “constitutional mutilators” says Ban Ki Moon
Africa Heads of States were hit hard by Ban Ki Moon. He called them “mutilators of constitution”. President Uhuru Kenyatta was in attendance.. Indeed, The GRAND FINALE battle between worlds’ superpowers and Africa has just begun. Let’s keep watching!
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
African leaders are “constitutional mutilators” says Ban Ki Moon
Mr. president, probe the mysterious death of our upcoming musicians
Mr. President-Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, it’s just a month ago when you donated 0.5miliion Ksh. towards the death of Salim Junior – one-man-guitar’ Musician who was laid to rest at his rural home in Subukia. The rate at which our new upcoming musicians are dying mysteriously is a worrying trend! Unfortunately, their deaths are associated with drugs, murder, suicide or incurable/untreatable diseases!
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Mr. president, probe the mysterious death of our upcoming musicians
Revocation of Ph.D degrees and campus closure by CUE raises moral, ethical and legal issues
It’s morally wrong, unprofessional and illegal for individual/institutions to cancel ones qualification and/or status without first letting them know of the imminent revocation and/or closure of their entities. Indeed, revocation of Ph.D degrees by CUE is welcomed; but they need to employ right procedures before going to the press.
By DrNjenga Solomon 8 years ago
Revocation of Ph.D degrees and campus closure by CUE raises moral, ethical and legal issues
Ruto now defends Sh95 billion Ketraco-Adani deal
By Julius Chepkwony and Sophia Matoya
2 hrs ago
Family of murdered Wells Fargo HR manager demands justice
By Olivia Odhiambo and Benard Lusigi
2 hrs ago
Farmers call for Tea Act review to tame cartels
Rift Valley
By Kiprono Kurgat
2 hrs ago
Delay in IEBC recruitment puts country on edge
By Brian Otieno
2 hrs ago